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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Only caught the last quarter tonight...I was busy watching some other New Yorkers do the business. Bloody good win though. That punt return from Hixon was the nuts!
  2. No. I think me and you have more chance of running out at Anfield than these Hungarian lads.
  3. Come on, I mean really, how unimpressive is that?! But, looks like this is where we are heading.
  4. I wouldn't know, I'm a mac snob y'know.
  5. Why? They are a set of gutless spineless p***ks at the moment too. Most people who are getting on his back are getting on his back because they see how utterly dire we are to watch at the moment. If we were in this position but actually half decent to watch then nowhere near as many people would be pissed off. If you base your opinion purely on the league table, and not on actually seeing the games, then its going to be a fairly ill informed opinion.
  6. Big disappointment. He is supposed to be a ball playing midfielder, yet he (and Casper) never looks for the ball. Never demands it from his team mates or gives them the option, and often wastes it when he has it. If you compare him to Kilkenny for Leeds last night, he always wanted the ball. I know Kilkenny plays with better players, but that kind of behavior can spread through the team...your midfielders start moving into space and wanting the ball and magically, players in other positions start doing it aswell.
  7. Now, I may not be the first to point this out, but go to some bloody games before you comment.... Though I do agree, make me +2
  8. Oh, I don't know. Indianapolis? 20 game regular season winning streak and maybe the finest QB to ever play the game. Also think the Vikings will be very close, and also the Chargers. And Mike Tomlin promised that the Steelers will "unleash hell in december" so I think come January they will be there or there abouts. Them Saints look really good though...and after everything that area has been through, I don't think too many people would begrudge them a SB win.
  9. I wouldn't have thought so....It wouldn't surprise me if the 12k originally quoted was a lie anyway, the plan always was 10,000. Wow, our ground will be as big as Shrewsbury and Colchester.
  10. I was watching NFL Gameday morning on Sunday afternoon....they asked two experts (Sapp and Faulk iirc) if they thought the Patriots defense could stop the Saints. Both said, well Bill Belichick doesn't trust them so why should we?
  11. I don't know....do they dish out honours in Spain as freely as they do over here? Freedom of Catalonia?
  12. Ordinarily I'd agree with that...but they have Messi. He is good enough to win it on his own for them.
  13. Not a surprise at all to see Messi win the Ballon d'Or, as he is the best player on Earth by some distance (IMO). Just read on BBC website that he has won 3 Spanish Leagues, 2 Champions League, 1 Spanish Cup, the Olympics and a World under 20 title...and he is only 22. I know Argentina have been awful in qualifying, but I would not be surprised if he adds the World Cup to that list next summer.
  14. I think this is the game tonight where the Saints come undone. I'll be crossing my fingers and hoping I am wrong though! Severely tempted to saty up and watch it.
  15. We should move everyone who sits in the Chaddy (and who wants to stay in the Chaddy) in to the RRE and then watch our crowds dwindle even further. It would be interesting to see, how many people who have stopped going we people who went in the Lookers. I'm sure people who went in the Lookers went in because they liked going in the Lookers. Once this was knocked down (for what now seems like no real reason) and they had to move stand, enjoyed it less, and some of these no longer go because they got that p****d off with constantly being moved stand.
  16. Swine Flu?! Do people actually stay in/away from crowds because they are scared of catching swine flu?
  17. Nah, he is a character in a league of miserable buggers. I like the way the other week, when he was fined $25k for pretending to bribe an official with a $1 note, he admitted it was a joke gone wrong, and paid the fine and then gave another $25k to charity. I also like when he announces his TD celebrations in the run up to the game...just a shame he never got to do the Ricky Bobby. He would have got fined for it too, but it doesn't seem to bother him.
  18. There's no doubt in my mind he wouldn't even get into a ring or whatever it is they use with them.
  19. He also thinks he would be good enough to be a pro footballer if he didn't play in the NFL....so you really need to take everything he says with a pinch of salt.
  20. I wouldn't quite say they are my second team, but I think Chad Ochocinco is ace...follow him on Twitter, bought his iPhone app. The guy is a proper character. And I really like Carson Palmer too. If anyone gets the chance to, check out "Hard Knocks". Its a show they do every year about a teams training camp, this year it was about the Bengals. Was a really top show.
  21. If its not the Giants, I really hope its the cincy bengals.
  22. Isn't it one of the night games? Think next week is the one where the saints lose. G-Men finally got back on track yesterday....made bloody hard work of it tho!
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