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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Isn't that because it was Barry who personally moaned about attendances. It wasn't an official trust statement was it?
  2. And another one on Sunday. It looks like, on Sunday, Phil Rivers will have one of the easiest games of his life. All he has to do is check which receiver CC Brown is covering and send him on a deep route. Our defense looks so poor at the moment, even if the offence clicks and scores 30-35 points, we will still lose by 10.
  3. Why? You won't change his mind, his mind is made up on this one.
  4. think your maths might be a little bit out there.
  5. Thats nothing....the Webmonkey once played on for an hour with a broken leg!
  6. I always thought it was because they can't force you to stay, they can just request that you do...and it's easier to keep the away fans behind than ask all the home fans to stay. The only reason I thought this was that when we bear City at Maine Rd in '99, they kept us behind after the game but one of the gates was open so we could leave if we wanted. They just asked us to stay to clear the crowd.
  7. Slight change of topic..... 0000 - it's "does" not "dose". It's been doing my bloody head in! Right, thats off my chest now
  8. That is an absolute load of bollocks. I worked at McDonalds back when I was at Uni. Maccies do Veggie Burgers and Fillet of Fish for the vegitarians, many of whom would refuse to eat he veggie/fish if it was cooked in the same fat as the chicken. And its not juse the same fat, its making sure you dont use the same tongs for picking up the food, wear same gloves for vegie stuff etc... If McDonalds can manage to avoid cross contamination, then why cant KFC and Subway? If they want to offer Halal, it really is as simple as offering it as well as non Halal meat. Just make sure it's not cross contaminated (which isn't that hard).
  9. Admittedly, it did take me a couple of days to notice!
  10. You could have talked about it....I deliberately avoided this thread for the past two days! I thought defensively we weren't terrible (just not that good!). They have a great passing game, and are always going to score points, but I was really annoyed with us offensively. I think thos WR problems that everyone spoke about in pre-season are there. We had some good early games against poor opposition, but now we are up against the real teams and they realise they only need to single cover our WR's, and its affecting the running game. Smith is good, but he is only really a possession receiver. Manningham keeps making simple mistakes, and its meaning we are lacking a genuine deep threat. Cardinals played well though, can't take too much credit away from them! They had that blitz working all night.
  11. Just finished watching it. Cardinals played really well. Giants were awful, especially on offence.
  12. Whoever it is, they wont take stage til 9 will they? You will be fine. Doors at the Ash gig are not til 9.30, guess Ash won't be on til 10.30-11? Claire, you will have plenty of time.....I'm just gonna stay out though.
  13. It might have just kicked in. 4-1 Devils. Parise's goal to make it 4 was sweet!
  14. Oh I will watch it...just not live. I'll just make sure I avoid the score and watch it "as live" this week....which should be fun!
  15. I watched the first quarter, but only cos it was at Wembley. Pretty uninteresting game....them Buccs cheerleaders are pretty special though eh!?! Big game for the Giants tonight. Will be tough. Similar test to last week (ie, secondary will be tested), but i think we can win through. Cardinals don't travel too well to the east, so I hope that continues. Will be tough though. Warner is ace, and Larry Fitz and Boldin are pretty amazing too. Won't be able to watch live tonight. In work very early tomorrow, so will have to watch it archived tomorrow or Tuesday night I think.
  16. He doesn't have to get past Kessler though. He could lose and still win the tournament.
  17. I think a lot of the fuss was when she said that his death "strikes another blow to the happy-ever-after myth of civil partnerships".
  18. I find the Mobo's offensive. Not in a racist way....just the music is :censored:e.
  19. I thought the whole show was really a waste of time. Was the point of it to show us that Nick Griffin is a racist/homophobic pig? If so, then why? We all already know that. They should have asked him questions about actual politics, rather than the standard "why dont you like muslims?" which seemed to make up the hour. I have no doubt that if they had actually asked about his policies, then he still would have made a fool of himself and looked like the vile pig that he is. Also, Dimbleby, as the host, should have been completely impartial. The BBC is impartial, and really shouldn't have been trying to show Griffin up like they were doing. Griffin can easily do that himself. Like OldhamSheridan said, it really should have been done on Trisha, because thats what it resembled. Glad he didn't manage to cover himself in glory though. However, his reply to the question "Why don't you like Islam?" was quite funny. I think it was the only question of the night he answered honestly, and whilst he was talking s**t, the guy who asked the question had no comeback at all.
  20. It was a bit of luck, but David Tyree still had to go and get it and come down with it. Considering there was a Patriots player basically wrestling him for the ball as he come down, then he deserves a lot of credit. Plus, it wasn't the only play of the game....NE had 60 minutes to secure the win but couldn' do it, And, you can't whine about being the best team but not winning the Superbowl. As a Patriots fan, you must realise that when they beat St Louis in Superbowl 36, St Louis were a far superior team that season....or were you not a Patriots fan before they started dominating?
  21. How exactly was it scabby? More passing yards, more rushing yards, longer time of possession, more third down conversions, and crucially, more points. On the day, the best team won.
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