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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Long way to go before they start talking about home field advantage....but if they dont get it I can see the Vikings getting it, and that is also a dome. Let's be honest though, if we can go to Green Bay in a championship game, and win in those extreme conditions then I wouldn't be too worried about playing in the perfect conditions that a dome gives.
  2. We throw in a howler or two every season, bust still regularly make the playoffs. Last season we had a mare against the Browns (the Browns! ffs). The year before, Green Bay beat us at home 35-13, and we also lost against the Vikings 41-17 at home....that season we went on to beat the Packers in the NFC championship game, and I'm sure OAFCMIKE can tell us all what happened in the Superbowl. So, no need to panic.
  3. At least I have got Drew Brees in my fantasy team.
  4. First game we have lost this season, but not first difficult game.
  5. Well and truly found out. Out banged up secondary is no match to the best offense in the league, no doubt about it. One bad game, away from home, against an exceptionally talented team. As bad as we have been tonight, you are watching two of the NFC's playoff teams this season. And I doubt anyone would be surprised if it turns out to be the NFC's one and two this season.
  6. No, its gone. We need to score 17 points more than the Saints, who we haven't been able go stop at all. When it was a 2 score game I thought we could do it, but I cant see us getting 3 more scores. Even if we slow Brees down a hell of a lot, I think they are still too far ahead.
  7. If Rummy keeps harping, who will OldhamSheridan want to win? ;) We have been woeful on defense. Not too bad with the ball, but been on the back foot from the off. If we could have gone in 10 down at half time, I'd have thought we could win. As it is now, its all over.
  8. Is that not proof that the standard of football would get worse? As thing stands, in a Northern division, we would be playing mainly league 2 clubs. Also, regionalisation would take us one relegation away from the non-league. All that takes is one bad season and we are out of the league.
  9. I won for the first time the other week, been a member since way back when it was relaunched, before the Stockport thingy. What did I win?...Match tickets. For a league match of my choice. Get in! But I am a season ticket holder and can't use it for a cup game so it really feels like I've won nothing.
  10. Was ridiculously easy. Pissed off the we didn't nil them though. The real games start next week.
  11. He did drink it rather quickly though! You are right, it wasn't a good game. We got exactly what we went for. Looked solid, but it wasn't pretty at all.
  12. I think JP has a very good point with what he said. I am yet to speak to anyone at games, or in the pub before/after the game, that isn't against the move to Failsworth. There was a poll on here, but is OWTB really representative of all the fans? I think the only was to find out whether or not the VAST majority of fans is for or against the move would be to do a poll at a home game. Even that wouldn't be totally accurate, but it would be the most accurate we could get I think.
  13. Agree with that. I used to love PES....quite sad that its now crap. FIFA is pretty good now, but still something doesnt fell quite right about it. Anyways, anyone wants a game, raggieOAFC is my gamertag. You will no doubt beat me as I aint all that good.
  14. It takes a while to get going....82 games is a long slog. Me personally, I get a hell of a lot more interested once the NFL season is over.
  15. I think we can come to the conclusion that the EDL are arseholes. And the muslim extremists are pussies.
  16. Who says they are "football" hooligans? Hooligans they may be, but what have they got to do with football? Surely, if they holding a rally/protest/march/whatever, they are "political" hooligans.
  17. Went to Glasto last year. Traffic was horrendous, took us 14 hours to get there, 10 of that stuck in traffic. Hours walk with our bags/beer/tents once we got there. The toilets already stank. Our beer was warm. The food was sh*t. Pissed down thursday night, was muddy as hell on friday morning. Found out my waterproof wasn't infact waterproof, so I got soaked to the skin. Lost my phone. Was it worth it?.....course it f*****g was! Best weekend ever.
  18. Of course he is backup for a reason, but as backups go, he is OK. The game on Sunday was over before he came on....they scored to make it closer but that scoreline flattered them....it was never in doubt. There were a couple of games last season where Carr came in and looked ok. Seattle at home he threw for a TD. He looked solid against a Minnesota team that needed a win in the last game last year too. Obviously he is no Manning, but next week we are at home to the Raiders. Even a third string QB should be able to do the business at home, against that opposition, with our offence. But lets be honest, Manning doesn't miss games....he will play on Sunday.
  19. He isn't that bad. Most his career he was with the Texans, who were pretty poor, so that can explain a bit of that. Plus, his career QB rating is 74.9 and he has thrown for 14,141 yards. Compare that to Manning, whose rating is 76.1, and thrown 14,623, he stands up pretty well. Factor in, if he was playing regular at the Giants, he would be playing behind the best O line in the league, and would have better receivers/running game than he ever had at Houston, and I don't think we would have to worry too much if Manning was out for the odd game. He does suck on Madden though.
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