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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. He is definitely a legend. For fans of any age too. He just oozed class, and was totally committed to the cause. The thing is, is our squad really so big that we have to have a number 28? And any, we don't have to "retire" the number, just not use it....until we have someone good to wear it.
  2. It didn't work for the 6 oclock games again. Only started working at about mid way through Q2 in the Bears-Steelers game. I got an extra week free for last weeks debacle, wonder what they will give for this week. What a game that was. Manning was brilliant, and the o-line protected him perfectly. That drive to set up for the FG was immense.
  3. You see, if by May, Chesterfield are up there, then he will have done a good job. Why not wait til then until you start with your sarcastic comments. Was OK today. Win was the main thing. Wasn't a great performance but it was an improvement, so encouraging signs. Next two games will be tough, let's hope we can keep improving.
  4. They are the only team we play every year. The only team as third tier as us. Everyone else seems to move around the divisions, but not us and the Tramps. Its a good rivalry. And its good that they are suffering
  5. This website is pretty good, but....(the damn twitter thing gets in the way)
  6. Yeah, know what your saying re: general fitness. With Taylor, he says in his interview that he can hardly do anything at the moment, even in the gym.
  7. 1. I agree we need to sort out centre half, but putting an inexperienced FB in there is not the answer. 2. Lee is not good enough and too lightweight to play in the centre. 3. One up front, at home, against a team as poor as Carlisle? No thanks. That team would look set up to not lose rather than go for the win.. 4. Ollerenshaw...nope. Lets not ruin the kids career before its begun. I'd have 2 strikers up top. Worthington (is he fit? I'm not sure cant be bothered checking) and Furman in the centre. Same wingers, need the full backs to get forward and support the wingers. And we need whoever is playing in midfield to support the strikers, because we really dont look like scoring.
  8. Yes. Went on NFL UK forum and loads of people had the same problem....like everyone else. I will be demanding a refund for this week. Good start for the Giants. Was a lot easier than the scoreline suggests.
  9. The developer upped the RRP to £59.99 I think. The RRP is always higher than what they sell it in the shops for, £49.99 usually, but the developer (think its Ubisoft) raised it....blamed the recession or something.
  10. Where do all the cricket/rugby union fans go when we play over there?
  11. it's just like Latics this isn't it? We play really well so this thread is empty cos no one is moaning. Where is the praise? We were fantastic!
  12. Could just print the email. It obviously isn't confidential information if they are willing to tell any tom, dick or harry who emails the club and asks about it.
  13. Tony Carrs volley on SAFE day (v B Rovers I think) was pretty damn good. Eyersy free kick v Brighton. Hit it like a bloody rocket.
  14. $24.99 a week, or, $69.99 a month, or (and I cant quite remember this exactly without looking) $209.99 for your teams entire season or $239.99 for the whole season. But it doesn't include the playoffs. Sky have that exclusively I think.
  15. Quite simply NO. It's bad enough moving to the very edge of Manchester. Moving to the edge of Manchester, to a ground we only part own, with that bastard offspring....no thanks. Not as a groundshare, not as tenants, not as anything.
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