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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Really? Were they watching the same game as me? He was really poor. Lightweight and often out of position. Seemed to wimp out of tackles a hell of a lot.
  2. Can i just ask, who are the 6-8 key players out injured? Because your team when everyone is fit is not hugely different from tonight, and one of them is NEW CB (who we dont have so cant possibly be injured) and one is Colbeck (who no-one has seen so doesn't know if he is any good). If there are 6-8 "key" players out, then that at least 6 changes to that team. Plus, we need 2 new CB's. Hazell is poor, but Gregan was much worse tonight. That man is going backwards. And to call Hazell the "dross left by Shez" is harsh. He is poor at the moment and needs replacing, but was voted as player of the season by us (the fans) last season. "Shez had 3 YEARS!!"...not a long time at all. How many years did Big Joe get before we did anything? Was it 5 or 6? And even Alex Ferguson took 5 years to win a trophy with that lot. Penney needs to be given time, and plenty of it. 3 years minimum.
  3. Apart from the fact that you put that twice, it's still wrong. They don't have a name at the end, its Dagenham and Redbridge. Merger of two teams, so Redbridge is not to Dagenham what Athletic is to Oldham.
  4. Seen them a few times. I saw them at Leeds Festival in 2000, and there were loads of rumours that it would be their last gig. I was wishing it was so I could have said I saw their last gig!
  5. He should plough on and play the shows for the people who had bought tickets. Theyn he can worry about his problems with his brother. Personally. I think Noel will do the business as a solo artist. He will be like Weller. As for Oasis, Noel (as good as his songs have been) would have been f**k all without Liam.
  6. Nah, Ticketline. http://www.ticketline.co.uk/ash-tickets
  7. Does the fact that Middlesbrough and Alaves have also lost the Uefa Cup final since the turn of the millennium show what those clubs are all about too?
  8. You would have to be seriously into your English football if you were Chinese and tuned in to that shower of ***** last week.
  9. Yes, I thought that too. Thats some trek...Newport - Oldham - Plymouth. Just had a quick scan of the tour, from what I can see, Oldham is the only North West gig, so maybe they wanted to make sure they were playing in the area.
  10. Got the tickets. Think they are only playing Oldham because it begins with O, rather than the Castle now having some pulling power...but hopefully they will get some more decent acts on in future.
  11. I don't know about that, there were games last season when he was double and treble marked and they still couldn't handle him. And little end product? He scored 11 goals last season. Needs to add more assists but he is still really young so has time on his side. We need to tell Leeds, or anyone else, to do one unless they are willing to pay £1.5m (at least) for him.
  12. I went to school in Failsworth. A lot of my mates are from Failsworth, got family who live there too, and I quite often go for a beer down there. I can assure you that I have never ever ever heard anyone from Failsworth call themselves a "Failsworthian." In fact, I think you have just made that word up. Most, I'd go as far as saying 70-80%, of them say they are mancs. Only ever heard a couple say they are from Oldham.
  13. I absolutely must go to this. I frickin love Ash. And Oldham? Get in!
  14. And further still, I'd hazard a guess that if you actually polled the 4000 home fans in attendance on Saturday (or any home game for that matter) as to where they live, much much less than 35% would be living outside Oldham.
  15. It's one for the boys. Melanie Laurent makes sure of that, she's bloody gorgeous. Though, depends on the woman really. If she actually likes films, then she will probably get this....not a "date" movie though!
  16. Crowds wouldn't increase that much. Maybe in the first season there would be an increase on average attendance but sooner or later it would just go back to normal. Also, why would anyone want it? We would just be relegating ourselves in effect. You go from 2 divisions away from the conference, to one division away. Overall, the quality would decrease for us, especially at the moment as League One South would be by far the stronger of the divisions.
  17. I was also p***ed off that day. I sort of calmed down and cheered up a couple of hours later whilst watching the England game though.
  18. Hollinwood and Limeside not in "Oldham"??? Then where to bloody hell are they?
  19. Just seen it. Don't think it was a pen for a start (looks like he won the ball). But if the ref gives it (which he did) then he has to send the man off.
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