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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. But at least its in Oldham. By millimeters or not, its in Oldham. Whereas Ashton Moss is 1.5 miles away from the Oldham boundary. There are not that many Latics fans in Ashton, a few, but not many. There aren't many in Failsworth. A few, but not many. But at least Failsworth is in Oldham. It's not ideal (in fact its pretty far from ideal), but we would lose far more fans by moving to Ashton than we would by moving to Failsworth (me for starters, and it's not because of the distance because Ashton is closer for me), and we wouldn't gain many more. Why would anyone from Ashton go and watch a team called anything other than Ashton? And whats stopping them making the pretty short trip to BP or Stockport now? Plus, anyone with any interest is well covered for local football in Tameside. They may not have a league club, but in Curzon, Stalybridge, Hyde and Droylsden they have a few good standard non-league teams. And why would Tameside council just let us build a ground there without something in return? How long before a name change if we moved to Ashton? And, being a regular at the cinema at Ashton Moss, as well as the other things around there, I have rapidly come to the conclusion that Ashrton is a place full of 'tards. Why would anyone want to move a football team there? If the people of Ashton want a pro team, they should get of their a**es and get behind Curzon Ashton.
  2. That game when Burnley brought about 5000, filled the RRE and had to let them in the paddock. Finished 3-3, was a cracking game.
  3. The same people who will foot the bill after we make a loss on the game anyway I presume.
  4. Who pays for the installation of the goal line technology?
  5. Would you not be more likely to find a Milwall fan if you looked for anyone in blue?
  6. If they can't see something so glaringly obvious, and important, as the ball hitting the back of the net then 1.) they don't deserve to officiate football matches, and 2) how can any fan/player/manager have any respect for them. Most decisions in football are a matter of opinion/interpretation. The only decision in football that isn't is whether or not the ball has crossed the line. When it's so bleeding obvious, then there is no excuse at all for not giving the goal.
  7. All works fine for me....but why does it sound like Pawel Abbot was interviewed by the seaside?
  8. The incident on Saturday didn't need goal line technology. It was a goal, clear as day. If the ref and the lino can't see that they they shouldn't be out in the middle. Hopefully they will never officiate again.
  9. It's not, because I quite clearly never said it. And the reason I mentioned it was that this is a thread about the NFL and I had just read it in the NFL news. I mentioned that he had signed for the Eagles (because its pretty newsworthy), I also mentioned that I think the guy is scum (because I do). Maybe this time next year when Donte Stallworth signs for someone, I will post a similar thing. And, as it says on here, the Doctor treating Burress said it would keep him out for at least 4-6 weeks. The first playoff game was exactly 6 weeks later, so they could have made the effort to get him back. But we didn't. And I don't believe for one second it's because we are morally better than the Eagles...it's because all season he had been acting like a giant arse and it was the straw that broke the camels back.
  10. Burress could have been fit for the playoffs. He had 6 weeks to get fit for the first round of the playoffs, which could have happened....except for the fact that he was suspended instantly so they didn't even try to get him fit. Just looked up the Burress charges..."criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, and a single count of reckless endangerment in the second degree". Thought it was just the first one. The point I was making is that Michael Vick is a scumbag. Whether or not other NFL players are similarly scum is not, and never was the issue. I have never stated on here that Vick shouldn't be allowed to play, as that was not the point that I was making. Just simply, I can't stand the guy and he is scum....I am struggling to understand how it ever became a debate.
  11. I'm not slagging off the Eagles for signing him. I'm slagging him off for running a dog fighting ring, and killing dogs that couldn't fight very well. It's not taking the moral high ground over the Eagles (although, we did sack out star WR when he committed a serious offense, despite the fact that he would have been fit for the playoffs, and we needed him). Someone was always going to sign him. Fair play to the Eagles. They have just got a very good back up QB. But the fact is, Michael Vick is a horrible **** of a man. And I, as a person (regardless of who I support), can take the moral high ground over him because I never have, and never plan to, committed such a serious crime. Oh, and, as he is now an Eagle (and a horrible ****) when we play them this season, I hope Osi Umenyiora dishes out some serious pain on him.
  12. Would that song be "going down"? Pierce has been cleared of all charges.
  13. No, I don't like Vick because he forced dogs to fight, and the ones that weren't good enough he tortured, and killed by electrocution, drowning and hanging. No other reason. You don't see me defending Burress, or Pierce, or Toomer (though I wasn't aware he beat his wife, and can't find anything about it after searching online). But torturing and killing defenseless animals if pretty damn bad in my book. And Burress didn't shoot anyone. He could have, but he didn't. And you can't punish someone for something they could have done. Burress' crime wasn't that he took a gun into a nightclub. His crime was that it was unlicensed. How f***ed up is American law?
  14. Not seeing a shirt but.... I went to Faliraki a few years back. Was having my dinner one day in this bar which had pictures of almost every league clubs badges in England on the wall. Every club except us. I had my Latics shirt on, when the greek barman brought the bill over I asked him where the Oldham badge was. He said "Oh, Oldham. My friend plays for Oldham." Obviously I was interested to who his friend was, so I asked. "Michael Clegg" he replied. "Oh" I said, a bit disappointed. "You know him? Is he good?" I bluntly said "no" and left.
  15. My team won't sign Burress though....we have already fired him off. And you can't compare what Burress did to what Vick did. The two are unbelievably different. Mike Vick forced dogs to fight, and killed the ones that weren't very good. The fact that he scum is not even up for debate.
  16. And the Eagles have signed Mike Vick. Scum.
  17. Tenerife. Ok, that doesn't sound too weird a place to see a Latics shirt. But when it is a Lucky Lucky man wearing the red and white Ajax style shirt then it is pretty strange.
  18. It's annoying though isn't it? When it says "Penney talks to Latics Player", I keep thinking "well I hope he bloody does. How will he get things like tactics across to them otherwise?"
  19. They pay rent on BP, but wasn't it a condition of buying the ground that we had to let them play at BP for "x" amount of years? I don't think they will be getting the option of paying rent at a new ground.
  20. I've just Google Mapped it. It's 6.1 miles by car, but you can shave 0.1 miles off that if you walk.
  21. Really? Do you not think they will be too weak at QB? After they way they chased Favre this summer, I think even they reckon they will be too weak at QB.
  22. It is word for word the same in the Chron as it is on the Sky Sports website.
  23. He may have been being genuine! Latics fans are beauty's. We get a compliment and end up slagging the bloke off for being sarcastic.
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