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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Its not a football ground though. It's an NFL stadium, and as an NFL stadium it's bloody fantastic.
  2. The Lamb is Oldham, and the Bulls Head is technically in no-mans land.
  3. Erm...anything further away than the pole is prob too far for pre match. The pole is rough. There is a Last Orders, wouldn't be too bad. Then they all seem to be closed down on Oldham Road until you get to the Lamb...which is a dive. The Mare and Foal, just of Oldham Road is ok. But they all are dirty red pubs mostly.
  4. No Cloggers is a bit further down the road, next to the Texaco garage, and it's still open. Lamb Inn is still open, its a bit further up from that, right at the bottom of Broadway....the pubs on that stretch of road are minging too!
  5. I don't think he is going to answer. I do agree with quite a lot of what he is saying re: Ambition. I just think he is very easy to disagree with though!! Me personally...I think we should be building a 15,000 seater stadium, with the potential of upgrading to 20,000. Nothing too big there, and I think it shows a decent level of ambition for a club our size. I do think 12,000, whilst realistically it is big enough, it just seems like we are accepting where we are and accepting we belong here.
  6. I'd have said no...lets buy the Black Horse but its been knocked down. Whats that empty boozer called at the bottom of Broadway? Someone should buy that if we do build the ground. Start at yours....Bells > Windmill > Millgate > Mare.... and yes, they are all shut after that!
  7. To be fair Paul, you are at the opposite/nice end of Failsworth.
  8. It's a very good point. Some people are raising issues, perfectly valid ones, and getting shot down straight away. We only have one shot at this and it needs to be right. Once the stadium is built that it, its final. It's not like signing a player. We can't just go and get another if this one doesn't work. Personally, I think 12,000 would be too small. Showing a lack of ambition. 15,000 would be about right, with the potential to upgrade to 20,000. You have got to show potential investors and future players that we are an attractive proposition, and that we do have some ambition. I think 12,000 says that we are a league 1 club with league 1 ambitions.
  9. I think (not 100% sure) that the train stations will be the metro stations. Dean Lane and Newton Heath train stations are really close. Easily as close, if not closer than the tram stops are at OT.
  10. I want Britains biggest mosque to be built there after we leave. If they thought 5000 people turning up every two weeks to watch Latics was bad, it would be well funny to see their reaction to 5000 people turning up to pray every day! Either that or a massive Supermarket.
  11. I've not seen it personally, but my brother said they interviewed Cav, Wiggins and Millar on the Tour De France show on ITV, and none seemed even remotely interested. I think with the quality of riders that they are currently working with, they would have to put a really good team together to tempt them. If you were Cavendish, why would you leave Columbia. His team hardly ever fails to lead him out perfectly.
  12. My favorite away ground is Hillsborough. Really big, impressive stadium which has still got character. A real shame what happened there. Also really thought Goodison was a brilliant old fashioned football ground. It will be a shame when Everton leave that place. Loftus Road is a great little stadium. Amazing atmosphere can be generated in that place. In the lower divisions, really like Meadow Lane.
  13. I don't think Wiggins and Cav would leave their teams to sign up for a British team.
  14. They have got a point though. He signs for them, saying all he did about being dedicated to them and the league, and earning vast vast amounts of money in the process. But he doesn't seem all that bothered about playing for LA. If I was an LA Galaxy fan I'd be a bit pissed off with him. He should have known what he was letting himself in for before he went over there.
  15. It'd definitley him. Before Day 3 at Cardiff he was talking about it on Sky. He said he wasn't sure if he was the Twitterer or the Twittee.
  16. I bet they were fuming with that 100 yard move down the same street. You cant really compare any team moving ground in the late 1800's/early 1900's with today. Back then, football was in its infancy, now traditions have been formed and clubs have become part of the community. "middelton could have been part of ombc instead of f/w, droylsden and parts of tameside could have been put in rather than saddleworth, where would we be then?".....your right, they could have been. But they are not.
  17. I think they mean near Kaskenmoor School. Between Roman Road and Hollins Road.
  18. Where did I say I liked the end of Broadway? For the record, I like the 5-a-side pitches at Avros, thats about it. I would rather we did not move to there, I much prefer the other end of Broadway, and would much rather be in a different part of Oldham to Failsworth. But if its a toss up between Failsworth (just in Oldham) and Ashton (well out of Oldham), I know what I would choose.
  19. A supportive local authority? How long before they ask us to change name/badge/kit so that we reflect Ashton/Tameside? Much nicer than the end of Broadway? It's Ashton FFS. And it's just a retail park. Its not nice, its dull. And its not in Oldham. Or even that near to Oldham.
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