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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Yep, always wondered why we only look back and never forward.
  2. Richard Butcher - ":censored:ting out of challenges, 24/7"
  3. You cant replace Johnny M...he is a legend. Like Michael Owen, John Madden is "the Athlete, the Ambassador, the Icon"...irreplaceable!
  4. I went through Bristol on Monday and saw 3 very sexy young ladies sunbathing on a boat....our valuation should be 1.5m plus them three.
  5. Madden signs for Blackhawks :bigcry: Really really really f**ked off big time by that.
  6. I dont think its and exaggeration to say that this is cinemas greatest ever moment.
  7. This is true. I love Johnny Madden. He is a legend. He better not leave.
  8. Yeah... just found out the Gaslight Anthem were joined onstage by the Boss. Gutted I missed that! I was going to watch them, but, er, I needed to visit the long drops lol. Them toilets were lovely!
  9. Does anyone know who it was with the flag? I kept seeing it all weekend, but was too lazy to go over and say hi.
  10. Kasabian were really good apart from one really annoying thing...it just wasn't loud enough. Seen them a few times, they are a proper loud band, but it just wasn't turned up enough.
  11. I was there last night, and they were simply stunning. Anyone who knows me knows I tend not to be the most complimentary towards Damon Albarn...but hats off. Last night was amazing. Actually, yesteday was amazing. Yeah Yeah Yeahs were ace (my number 1 of the weekend). Dont know what it is about Karen O, but I so would! Madness were great. Well actually, it was more just great to be part of a crowd that was just having it! And Blur were tops. What a bloody good weekend that was. I am well and truly knackered.
  12. In the league I play in, the guy who is the current Champion won it last season with the Lions. I had San Diego, and lost in the Semi. This season I have been lumbered with the Chiefs....its bloody hard work!
  13. Go on Ackey, you know you want to.
  14. I use ffdshow...its the nuts.
  15. Dont stream it, download it....You just need to avoid the score for a day or two, which isnt that hard with American sports.
  16. That ESPN channel is NASN, which was part of Setanta. Did ESPN buy it and just let Setanta keep it as part of there package? College football and Baseball.....just download it for free ;)
  17. Nah, he clashes with Bloc Party and Doves, and I'm having a hard enough time deciding which of them to watch without throwing another name into the ring. I'm sure I will live with it.
  18. It's been part of my Glastonbury revision. Last night it was The Rakes and the Rumble Strips. Added a bit of Bruce Springsteen for good measure. Back to Kasabian tonight I think, and a bit of Bloc Party.
  19. I heard that if you cut his hair off he will go back into his shell.
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