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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. I didn't click on it so didn't realise you had to pay. I paid £6 for the 2.0 software, but that was actually useful....think I'll give 3.0 a miss.
  2. I just Synced my Touch, and its telling me the 3.0 is available....is it worth doing on my touch?
  3. True, but to say he cant play T20, when he was the best quicky in a bowling attack which was the part of the side which didn't let the team down is incredibly harsh. And again, with the Holland game...if the batsmen had any idea how to post a total we would have won.
  4. Cant be said with any degree of certainty. They would have been for 6, the next batsmen could have easily come in and got going....but if we could actually post a total, we would have given ourselves a chance.
  5. Broad was Englands highest wicket taker and 2nd most economical bowler in the tournament. Only Mascharenas has a better economy rate, and he only bowled 7 overs. It wasn't the bowlers who let us down last night, and if it wasn't for Broads 10 of 2 we would have had a much smaller chance. The batsmen didn't get a big enough score, we don't know how to set a target. If you need 80 of 9 overs, it sounds a lot, but with 10 wickets in hand you can take a lot of risks. Plus the Windies bat quite deep (in T20, our batting stops once KP is out). We need big hitters in the middle order, and we need to learn how to regularly post a total, because that's whats letting the side down.
  6. Zenden is correct. Marseille, Barcelona, Liverpool and PSV.
  7. Definitely not Seedorf....he has won the Champions League 4 times with 3 different clubs.
  8. West Ham. Anelka isnt one, he won it with Real Madrid.
  9. Should go back to 2 subs. And while I'm at it, scrap squad numbers. 1-11, with the subs 12 and 14. It wasn't broke, so why fix it!?!?
  10. He woke up for the second. Good stuff. Great Pens performance.
  11. Ackey is so nervous that he has fallen asleep midway through the first.
  12. Toy Story is a classic. Toy Story 2 is even better. I cant wait for Toy Story 3.
  13. I was in work at 7 am this morning....its gonna be a struggle tonight but I'll make it!
  14. Lol. It's Really Hard To Keep Typing Like This. I Keep Forgetting To Press Caps Lock Or Shift So I Have To Keep Deleting And Re-Writing It.
  15. Nice One. It's A Saturday Three O'Clock Too Which Is Nice.
  16. Which games have they been? He generally brings Beckham on for his cameo when the game is sewn up....and pretty much every game has been like that in this group.
  17. Why? What does he now offer that others don't? I'm not slagging the bloke off, his desire is fantastic, but really, what does he offer above his counterparts. On Saturday, Capello brought SWP on ahead of him, does that not say something about how highly Beckham is rated?
  18. You could have been great tonight in a central role. What is the population of Andorra? 50,000? It's like England v Royton.
  19. Never understand why they play My Big Mouth....if your picking a track from Be Here Now they could have picked D' Ya Know What I Mean?, Stand By Me, Fade In/Out....all miles better than My Big Mouth. Also would have liked more from the new album. Bag It Up is a tune. Slide Away was awesome. Also I'd never seen them play the Masterplan before (or if I have I dont recall it!), and Liam singing Wonderwall, played on acoustic guitar was good.
  20. I just want IPL on Sky so I can watch it.
  21. Please...how exactly did a thread about some bloody good rock n roll gigs in Manchester descend into this?
  22. Wear boots, you will be fine. Wasn't that muddy, though does look like it might tip down today so waterproof would be handy. Was bloody fantastic yesterday. Well easy to get to, went for a few in Manc and then got a taxi to the park....not sure how people were managing to get home though, I had a lift sorted. I only caught two songs by the Enemy, misjudged how far we would have to walk through the park to get to the arena. But Kasabian were awesome, and Oasis we just simply brilliant. If I didn't need to save some dough I'd be back down there later to get a ticket of a tout.
  23. That England performance was much much better. All together now.... All we need is, Ravi Bopara! Ravi Bopara! Ravi Bopara!
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