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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Got mine of Ticketline, hope I get the email when I check them later!
  2. Dont you mean Terrell "Thats my team. Thats my quarterback" Owens? ;) Like the cry babies logic..."we were the best team in the NFL. I dont care if Tennesse and Pittsburgh were better than us".
  3. A phenomenal striker, just a shame about all the injuries. In 2002 at the WC, he was simply stunning.
  4. Wow. Some of those goals are stunning. Especially like the centre half who goes on the marauding run.
  5. I thought that, but if you click on the players names the profiles are private, so I dont understand how we could see them pics?
  6. Its a picture of a hell of a lot of booze in Kelvin Lomax, Neal Eardley and Lewis Alessandra's (Ibiza 2009) holiday photos. Can someone explain to me what the problem with this is? The season is over. They don't have to go to work until the end of June/start of July. And was Ryan Giggs not enjoying himself in similar ways when he was early 20's? The only problem I can see is that they stayed in the same apartments I did in Ibiza, and they aren't exactly that good!
  7. If funny how people outside of Scotland really care about Scottish football. Its terrible:
  8. Even more shocking is that he is a Latics player that everyone likes!
  9. And for the finals: Pittsburgh to beat Carolina in 7 Detroit to beat Chicago in 6
  10. 6-5 I hope....I dont want OT though, got work in the morning!
  11. They got lucky is their last game 7! This time they are up against a team with all the momentum. Cant wait for tonight
  12. From a neutral point of view, can these playoffs get any better!?!? 3 of the 4 second round ties going to game 7...should be fun!
  13. Going Glasto for the first time this year...cant wait.
  14. Goalie is always the first position to get picked online...must be a specialist thing.
  15. Starting to get a bit too seedy for my liking! The EA Sports Hockey League is what you want, its mega, but would require Ackey to get an xbox, which would mean he would have to get off his backside and find a job!....basically, you set up your own Hockey team with your mates, and play against other teams online. If you have 6 people you have enough for a full team, including goalies which is pretty ace!
  16. I did it last season, paid £35 ish a month. Think it worked out at about and extra £25, which over the course of the season isnt too bad...still cheaper than saving over the summer and buying at full price which was my other option. I'll be doing the same again this season.
  17. Bet your not as cool as "Sid Lowe in Spain".
  18. Not enough? We are 1-0 up in the EA Sports World Tournament final against the Ducks, after John Madden's OT winner in game 1. Its good enough for me! We do need a RW though to complete the line.
  19. Easily mate, we are the worst. We play on pro difficulty with shot accuracy increased, and we still dont win every game. I blame the computerised version of Colin White. He hits the puck out of play at every possible opportunity. Or the computerised version of Johnny Oduya, who refused to slap it from the blue line, and constantly fires a feeble wrist shot on net.
  20. A few years ago when Internet streaming of football kicked off big time, I used to use a site which did that. Apparently they had been told they couldn't use real club names at they were copywritten. So the site just listed them with things like "Manchester Reds Vs Toon". The PL couldn't shut the site down because all they were doing was providing external links.
  21. Mine are all good clean hits, it not my fault they always turn their back as I'm about to check the f**k out of them. The only dirty hits I did are on Ovechkin (when I could get near him).
  22. Stephen "Interference" Ackroyd takes a million dodgy penalties in front of the net. Fortunately, we are the shorthanded kings, and generally kill penalties by scoring. Come round about half 9 or 10? Should give us enough time to despatch the Ducks in the final before game 7.
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