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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Well, now that you have bolded it I do!
  2. Hands up who is staying up watching game 7 on Weds... As a neutral, this series cant really get any better. Come on the Pens.
  3. Looks more like a training top than a first team shirt.
  4. I'll be honest, I'm hoping for a Washington win, just because game 7 would be awesome!
  5. If you give Darlington 10 back, and Rotherham 17 back then they are 9th. And Dale would have missed out too.
  6. Bury absolutely battered them and missed about 6 or 7 really good chances in the second half of extra time alone. Their keeper had a blinder. That game showed that there really is no justice in football. The better team lost out big style. And the 9th best team in the league are one game from promotion. Sheer lunacy.
  7. Oh he is hittable! I'll upload the vid at some point! What a game this has been. Before OT starts, id just like to say this has been amazing, and I couldn't care less who wins, its just a shame it has to end.
  8. Tried to stay up watching it...got about half way through the second before nodding off, but it was a brilliant game from what I saw. Ovechkin definitely knew what he was doing. How he only got a 2 minute minor is beyond me. Turning out to be a great series.
  9. Do they have to be Premier league clubs at the time of purchase?
  10. It's been working on Firefox on XP for a few months. It also works on Google Chrome, you just can only stream and not download.
  11. Gannon has also brought a team up a division.
  12. I almost felt as sorry for him as I did for the steward who looked like the elephant man at Doncaster a few years back.
  13. Rubix cube was a genius idea. Bananas in pyjamas was also pretty good.
  14. I'm a big fan of Burgundy....the newsreader, not the colour.
  15. How did you afford a new laptop you jobless bum?
  16. I'll go: Detroit to beat Anaheim in 5 Chicago to beat Vancouver in 7 Carolina to beat Boston 6 Washington to beat Pittsburgh in 6
  17. I don't think you are....BB80 is still saying we shouldn't sack Moore! Anyway, shouldn't you be painting ;)
  18. Well dont, cos I was only going to pick them apart with your own criteria...which you know they dont all match.
  19. Name 10. Realistic ones though, cos we can all say Mourninho, Wenger etc. I can tell you I didnt want Ince (and that was unrealistic), or Robins, or anyone with dirty Red connections (and in that I dont mean anyone like Ritchie because he is blue through and through). I was thinking Penney wouldnt be bad, or Alan Knill. Didnt really want Gannon because his fiery temeperament...dont think he would last long with Corney. People like Holloway, Adams, Boothroyd were no no's because I dont like their style of football.
  20. Rose tinted? I'm just saying he has a good record at his previous clubs and that it doesn't seem like that bad an appointment. He got them up two divisions with their budget. Who did you want?
  21. Someone came in and gave them that extra kick...he had taken them as far as he could, which was quite a long way! Its really not uncommon in football, and doesnt make him a bad manager.
  22. One club might not be experienced in your book, but he has managed two. And he has been a manager for the best part of a decade. Like I say, two promotions and a good track record...he must have some man management skills. I have seen no evidence of him having contacts and from what I know he has had money to play with.. - 2 promotions. We are a third division football club...we get third division managers.
  23. Well he is experienced, and 2 promotions with Donny, a playoff season with Darlo (plus what probably would have been one this season) would suggest he can man manage. I am not sure what his budgets have been like, but admittedly neither are you, so dont know if he ticks that box...same can be said for contacts. His name will not put bums on seats, but then again, Joe Royle only put bums on seats for one game so for Latics to get a guy who will put bums on seats it would have to be a really really big name.
  24. Gutted. Saying that, we only played really well in the opening game, and by and large the better team won. Still gutted though. I'm picking the Pens. I think the Caps will beat them, but I really like Crosby so that who I am going with.
  25. Yeah he was rubbish. Way off the pace. That shocking clearance/pass/whatever it was that lead to the first goal....oh my god!
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