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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. I have no confidence that we will get the job done in game 7. We are letting way too many shots on goal. ps. Ackey is a scaredy cat.
  2. The better boxer could not last 12 rounds, and was out powered by a much stronger man in the last 5 rounds. Especially the last, where Taylor was dead on his feet. The better boxer was the man who was stood on his feet after 12 rounds.
  3. Well done Chris and Neal. Deserved accolades. Chris Taylor - Best player in the division. Neal Eardley - Deserved....even if some of our wankish* fans don't agree! * I mean those goons who think he is :censored:....please note, his peers (ie, the players he plays against) know you are wrong.
  4. Well if thats the case, I think Mr Moderator (Ackey) should just post all the highlight videos on here.
  5. We just call it Giants Stadium ;) But yeah, your dead right. The new stadium in at the Meadowlands will not have a retractable roof, and therefore, the NFL has said it wont be considered for Superbowls due to the weather.
  6. If we can get this series won, I really dont fear anyone. Think everyone is pretty even. Again, tried to watch the game last night but fell asleep midway through the second.
  7. I was going to post the same but you hit the nail on the head there. In his first season he had Wellens and Liddel looking for the pass. Since then, no one looking for the ball. Fair enough, he hasnt progressed like we would have liked, but that is no excuse for the stick he gets. One game this season, cant remember the opposition, but Hazell tried to head back to Fleming but headed it to the attacker who scored. One guy behind me shouted "Bloody hell Eardley"....Eardley? FFS!....I kid you not. No idea why if someone makes a mistake, a few people grumble. If Eardley makes a mistake, half the ground is in uproar.
  8. Was thinking about this today, now its St Georges day, and people say "well he wasn't English so how can we have this as out national day?". It's William Shakespeare's birthday today...why not just name the day after him and have it as the English national day and a public holiday?
  9. If they get enough points to stay up this season they get deducted 10 and are relegated. If they don't get enough points, the deduction is enforced next season.
  10. I'm pretty sure they did because no one else has been evacuated, and my Gran and Grandad are back in their house now. Some people are still not allowed home though.
  11. If the evening news he is moaning about not being insured
  12. Round corner from my house, its a bloody huge fire. Will post some photos I took from a but of a nosy I had earlier at some point (if i can be arsed).
  13. Does anyone else find it funny that when Shez was here, nobody was saying the squad was crap? Everyone was saying that this is the best squad we have had for years and its all Shez's fault that they arent playing well. Now everyone has changed their tune, and are saying he signed a crap squad. With regards to Joe's comments at the start of the thread, its exactly what Shez was saying, except he got shed loads of abuse for saying it.
  14. That was an amazing save. I tried to stay up to watch the Devils last night, but I was drunk and fell asleep midway through the first. I woke up this morning and the stream was still running on my PC saying "This game has now ended"....No sh*t sherlock! Its gonna be really tough now, but like Ack said, if we can get back home at 2-2 then we have a good shot.
  15. Yet some of them still havent learnt there lesson...it really p**sed me off when a few thousand ticketless Liverpool fans rushed the turnstiled at the 2007 Champions League final in Athens. You would have thought if anyone would know the dangers of turning up without a ticket and forcing entry, it would be them.
  16. We were impressive last night. Only watched the first 2 periods because I needed some sleep before work....but at 3-0 I felt pretty confident we would see it out. Didnt give them an inch. At the end of the first they were lucky is was only 1, and by the end of the second it should have been 5 or 6. Carolina are a good team though, so we will need more of the same in the next two weeks!
  17. Ouch! Now that is a tought start to the season for the New York Giants!
  18. Safe standing, like they have in Germany, is exactly that. If it can work in Germany it can work over here, Germany is hardly a backwards country. Basically, things like that where it can be converted to seating by just pulling seats out for European/International games, would eliminate a lot of the problems that happened in the past. That along with the better policing of crowds that we now get.
  19. Yeah he did it last year....it didnt last too long though.
  20. I hate the bloke. The Republic of Czechoslovakia had me cringing during the Euros. http://www.dangerhere.com/hallofguff/david_pleat.php
  21. I'm not just judging him on playing for Stockport during their bad patch, but also on going to Bradford and Bury and contributing the sum total of 0 goals in half decent teams in the division below.
  22. To be honest Ross, I started reading that but lost interest after "O'Grady".
  23. 4 wins out of 5 to end the season, first round match V Carolina. I know we beat them last night but its going to be tough. We wont 4 of the last 5, but hardly been scintillating stuff. Fingers crossed....
  24. To be fair, he is probably taller than Shane Supple.
  25. I watched the first period last night, before I nodded off. We looked pretty impressive, best I have seen us for a while. 3 games left, hopefully a bit of momentum will be found.
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