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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. It does make sense though. And one of them 3 competitive games was against the mighty Northern Ireland.
  2. With the wat we are playing at the moment, I decided to stop watching after the second. I didnt fancy having a late one and only 3 hours kip after watching us get mauled. Hopefully we will sort this slump soon!
  3. I watched a bit of the game against the Rangers the other night and we were awful. We got 2 weeks to snap the slump or we are screwed!
  4. Bloody hell... the Islanders beat Detroit 2-0, in Detroit! Devils could do with getting back to winning ways pretty sharpish. Tonight would be a good time to start.
  5. To be fair, Ackey did have one that bounced off both sides.
  6. If they put away fans on the side still then yes it is. Pretty sure all the stands are covered at Orient.
  7. You reckon you will be able to kick a ball without breaking any bones this time? ;) I'll go for 5.
  8. I hope they are correct! If we can go into the playoffs hot there no reason why we cannot win it. As it stands we would have the Rangers, which would be a great chance to get revenge over last years playoff defeat!
  9. We're not that unfit, we are just not very good. 94th min leveller today, 92nd min winner at Millwall. How often do we let in late goals?
  10. Yeah, he scored a beauty, and that back heel was amazing. No one ever watched them half time games, but that kid, and that team, were that good that nearly every one in the Chaddy was clapping their goals.
  11. I've been saying that since we got rid. I totally agree. I have also been saying for a while, whilst people say we have the best squad we have had for ages, that we dont have a good squad. I think after today people might start to agree. I thought Shez was doing a good job with the resources he had, but he signed this squad and I thought we should have let him have success or failure with the squad he signed.
  12. You forgot to add that we have made the playoffs in 18 of the last 20 seasons, and something ridiculous like 15 years in a row....well shiieeetteee!
  13. I like the way that people always seem to think there are "not real" latics fans on it when latics fans are on it. I know when me and Futchers_birefs were on it there were no imposters.
  14. No, the woman is a tool. I wouldnt wish what she is going through on my worst enemy, but that doesnt mean she should be excluded from "5 people I want to shoot" lists.
  15. Pretty good start for Seattle, 3-0 win. What was the standard like? On TV it never looks too good, but its always different when you are at the game.
  16. Sod that, what you really need to do is go to the hotel bar and get bladdered. Start singing and having a laugh, until one of the shows producers rings up to tell you to go to bed. If you dont do that then you are not upholding our fine reputation
  17. Are there any plans for Seattle to build their own stadium? One of the big problems with MLS is that 3 or 4 teams share with NFL or College teams, and bu September the pitch has all the American football marking...which is well annoying! Also, isnt it true that Seattle have sold more season tickets than any other team in MLS?
  18. Great point. Im well gutted Shez has left the club. One of my all time faves at Latics. Great player, good coach, and I believe good manager too. We all moan about being in this division for so damn long, but without John Sheridan we would have been relegated out of it long ago. I am really gutted its not worked out for Shez, because there is not one person who I would have rather seen lead us out of this divsion the right way. I would have been fitting. Good luck in the future Shez, and thank you for absolutely everything (and that is a hell of a lot of things!).
  19. I use Complete Gaming Network for playing in a Madden league. They have Fifa and PES leagues too, so maybe it worth giving them a go. The Madden league I play in is quality. http://completegamingnetwork.com/
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