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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Uncle Joes mintballs are the finest sweets ever. There is never a game in winter where they fail to warm me up. They truly do "keep you aglow".
  2. It got a bit nervy toward the end, when they scored to make it 3-2. The arena just erupted when Marty made the save with about 3 seconds to go to seal it. You could see how much it meant to him....and how he hadnt thought it through about cutting that net off, they should have given him better scissors! Legend.
  3. To be fair, its Martin Brodeur...the sig probably should be bigger!
  4. Stop posting all in capitals. Its against OWTB rules...and its hard to read!
  5. I was going to write a post, but this is word for word (almost) what I would have said...so instead of writing a full post, I will just say that I agree with everything lalalajpkalala has just said. Thank you for everything. And good luck with whatever you do next.
  6. 551 Another Marty Brodeur win, and another good win for the Devils. Hopefully he will make it 552 on Tuesday against Chicago.
  7. Think I might be out tomorrow night...if not then yes. I'll let you know!
  8. I wont be going to that place. Not tomorrow, not ever. Nothing to do with finances, I could go but I wont go. They are scum who stole a football club. I think the reason there have not been many people saying that they are boycotting this time is that the argument has been done to death....seems like the same thread every time that we play them. My stance hasnt softened, and I doubt the people who said they were boycotting them last time will have changed.
  9. Oh, so its one rule for one and one rule for everyone else.....stinks i tell ya, it stinks! ;)
  10. Thats shocking! I thought you couldnt embed videos?
  11. We dont actually, they are shocking against us usually. We beat them 7-2 at the end of feb, and during that game the comm said that the record against them since 2000 was something like (cant remember it exactly) played 35, won 28.
  12. The last 2 periods last night we were bloody good. The 1st was tough, and Calgary are a good team...we just couldnt get going. Then, after the first break we just came out and dominated them. Was pretty damn good. Parise now has 39 for the season (scrappy scrappy goal last night!). He is going for 50, fingers crossed he will get it. The Devils record is 48 in a season, by Brian Gionta.
  13. Apparently there is a drinking culture at the club...isn't that one of the reasons City got rid of Royle? Big Joe is a legend. Lets leave it at that. No point in going back, lets look forward. Personally, I'd stick with Shez, but I think he is a goner at the end of the season.
  14. To be fair, you can look at both sides of the argument and say they are both wrong. We have appointed from within, and we are still in league One (Ritchie, Dowie, Shez) and we have appointed from outside, and we are still in league One (Wadsworth, Talbot, Moore). It doesnt matter where you get the manager from, as long as its the right man for the job. "we need to get back on track asap,and get someone in who isnt affraid to upset the apple cart,isnt affraid to shout at players and actually knows how to get the best out of a very good pool of players."..doesnt necessarily work. Brian Talbot came here having done a very good job with Rushden...he liked to shout at people, enforce rules, and nearly got us relegated. Personally, I think what we all need to do at the moment is back Sheridan and the team (something that clearly hasn't been happening at recent home games), and see where we are in the Summer. I think Shez will be gone in the summer. Id say try to get Gannon in from Stockport, but I'm guessing he will want very good money, and with his fiery temper I couldn't see him lasting with Mr Corney.
  15. Just watched the Rangers beat Boston 4-3, Manny Fernandez in the Boston goal had a right mare...some shocking goaltending.
  16. I agree with you...but its still bloody embarrassing!
  17. The Islanders arent a bad side really.....they are coming good....lots of good young talent....they are in a false position... (if anyone else can think some excuses up for me I will gladly use them!). To be fair, they did play well, they absolutely mullered us. Considering they have had our number for the last two games so I am glad we dont have to play them again this season.
  18. To be fair, I dont think beginners luck lasts 3 years!
  19. Its a good idea, but how long would it last with the Oldham weather battering constantly? If the badge could be saved for another smaller but easier to maintain flag, I would prefer that idea.
  20. Nice little video here. Number 9's top 5 goals of the season (some ace goals in this!) http://www.nhl.tv/team/console.jsp?id=35295
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