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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. Devils have signed Niclas Havelid from the Thrashers. Notice he used to play for the Ducks. BF, what you reckon? http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=411852
  2. Think they have to pay 30quid to become an away member to get tickets for away games from the club, so some always god in home end.
  3. They tend to play at home on Sunday nights at 5.30. The game on Saturday was a one off I think.
  4. If I'm calling that blonde lass who was sat in front of us, I aint bringing my mrs!
  5. I think I need to go again this season, the Mrs has been moaning that she didn't come with us and she really wants to go for some reason. The kid in the under 10's game was ace. I felt tight laughing so much, but he couldnt skate, and apparently skating is a big part of the game...
  6. Think he is on 38 for the season now....the boy is on fire! Only Ovechkin is ahead of him, and its no wonder with goals like the one he scored the other week against the Habs.
  7. To be fair mate, I was on about the goal he scored on 28th Feb, and you posted that on the 27th...so your either A) on about a different goal, or psychic!
  8. Has anybody used this to watch games? Is it any good? https://europe.espn360.com/ I used the NFL version of this and it was excellent, just wondering if this would be a worthy investment (I'm thinking more for the playoffs than anything else).
  9. Just watched the Devils whoop Florida 7-2 from last night. Pretty amazing performance, they really couldnt handle us at all. Zach Parise is on fire. If you haven't seen the goals, you really should check them out, his second was superb. Also, we just beat philly 3-0...Marty now has 100 career shutouts. Misses 50 games, in his first 3 games back he has 3 wins and 2 shutouts. There are not words in the dictionary that describe how good this man is! Looking pretty strong at the moment, just hoping Brodeur can give us an extra boost, and hoping we havent peaked too soon like last year. The Phoenix game was pretty decent. I never went watching Storm, and the only Hockey games I have ever been to previously were NHL games. Pleasantly surprised by the standard. £17 is a bit steep though for that standard, but unfortunately they have to charge that or they wouldn't be able to afford to run the club. Will definitely be going again, but probably not as often as I would if it was cheaper.
  10. You could have a poll asking "is this the day of the stupid poll?"
  11. Basically, I dont rate Whittaker at all. I think Maher and Allot are too similar and that is why Shez often only picks Allot at home, but Maher is better than Whits. Maher wants the ball more than Whittaker, and puts himself about more. The only problem is I think Allot and Maher as a partnership is a bit too defensive at home.
  12. We were talking about this last night, and Salary Capping would work providing it is done in the same was as they do in the States. Basically, everyone has the same amount to spend. For example, if the cap in our division was £2m a year, no one can spend more on wages than that. Not Leeds, not Leicester, not us, not Cheltenham. In the Champ it will be a higher cap, and the Prem higher still. It would be the only way it would work, because if you did it with a percentage of turnover, then the big clubs would snap up all the best players and it wouldn't be a level playing field.
  13. Not heard their new song,and I have no desire to seek it out. Like you say, achtung baby was the tops. Joshua Tree was ace too. I also really like Pop....I actually like a lot of their stuff, I just think Bono is a cock.
  14. Its a shame about Bono. You are right, he is a pretentious :censored:....but U2 make some bloody good music!
  15. I think he knows we need a creative central midfielder, but hasnt been able to find one who he rates. They arent exactly easy to find.
  16. I think the biggest factor in the shockingly low attendances is that on a Saturday at 3pm, many many many pubs in Oldham have got United and/or City on live. I know people who "never miss a United game"...and they dont even set foot in Old Trafford all season. A lot of people just arent interested in going to watch a live football game in an actual stadium anymore.
  17. Was it this thing? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0478337/ If so, I've had it on DVD for quite a while, but not got round to watching it. Will have to get it watched one day, supposed to be pretty good. The guy was a genius on the pitch. IMHO, the best and most complete player ever.
  18. Can I vote for the fans who watched it all? Not the ones who pissed off before the end, but the ones who stayed and watched all 90 minutes of that shower of s***e?
  19. After EVERYTHING that John Sheridan has done for this club, anyone who calls him a "f*****g prick" is a clueless w*nker. The man is a legend. As a player, coach, and manager (really, we dont have many who have a better record). Fair enough, that tonight was awful, and as the boss he will take a lot of flak. But also, people who should take a lot of the s**t are the 14 players who "played" in the second half tonight. They were godawful. No passion. Now effort. No movement off the ball. No creativity. No nothing. One bloke behind me shouted "Sheridan, get your boots on!". If he had there would have been a damn sight more effort on that pitch than that set of spineless tossers were showing tonight. It wasnt good, and we all have a right to be annoyed, but John Sheridan is not a "f*****g prick".
  20. My mates band played there a while back. Just seemed like a posher version of Fab Cafe.
  21. Now that is embarrassing. Second time this week we have lost 4-0. At least Florida are decent...but the Isanders? Oh dear
  22. According to Reberto Martinez, there is more football played in our league than the one above. I actually agree with him. I think there are a lot of teams in the league who try to keep the ball on the deck and play the right way. Whereas, when I have watched the Championship on TV, there seems to be a lot of teams who play very direct and physical football.
  23. Yeah, the second album is due to follow the second series. If you search on one of them dodgy torrent websites (which will remain nameless) you can find a file with all their songs ripped from the first series. But as its a direct rip, you might as well just watch the show. Series 2 is up to the 5th episode in America. The last one saw Jermaine sleep with an Australian woman called Keitha (its like Keith, with an A). Really ripped Australians (as much of the second series does), was quality. There was one stupidly funny song in that episode, which will definitley be on the second album.
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