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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. The TV show basically uses those songs, and they write the script around the tunes, well thats how series 1 worked anyway. For series two, they didnt have any more tunes so they have had to write tunes that fit the episode. Thats made some of the songs a little hit and miss, though the songs "Sugarlumps", "You dont have to be a prostitute" and "Too much d**k on the dancefloor" are instant comedy gold. The new series is even more anti-Australian aswell, which is always good . Have you got the album, or just heard the tracks elsewhere? Because, some of the songs that were on the TV show that didnt make the album are equally as good. Songs like "I'm not crying" and "Sellotape" are amazing. They did a BBC Radio series before the TV show which is well worth checking out.
  2. Been hooked on this show/band for the last 18 months or so....bloody fantastic. Anyone else seen the TV show? Flight of the Conchords (IMDB) Flight of the Conchords (hbo) The TV show is absolutely brilliant. Basically, its two musicians from NZ, living in New York and struggling to make it. Each episode contains two musical parts which advance the story, and the songs and videos are hilarious. If you haven't seen it, you really really should!
  3. I'll say Brodeur through pure bias and ignorance. I know Roy was quality from watching NHL on sky when I was a kid, but to be honest, my knowledge of hockey history is p*ss poor!
  4. Yeah its really tough. The last 15 or so years have been a constant struggle for Devils fans. ;) BTW, is it just me, or has losing Brodeur for such a large part of the season turned out to be one of the best things that could have happened for us? Clemmensen has been good, but we realised we needed to open up and attack teams more to win games, and thats what we have done. Now Marty will be back soon, and we will have a more potent attack with the best goalie ever at the back.
  5. We've been down this route before. Put the prices up to pay for a better squad, and look where that got us (nowhere!). In the current financial climate, I know TTA need to make the money from somewhere, but with so many people being made redundant/out of work/job not exactly secure, I think we should keep ticket prices as they are.
  6. Is it really? Why? A woman could take a Gregan special. But would she come back after 2? 3? 4?...some men take one and dont go near him again all game. There is nothing they "couldnt do", but in general they wouldnt be as good. I can play football (badly). I could play for Latics, but I would be out of my depth. If women were allowed to play professional football they would be out of their depth from about middle of league one and above (and thats the very good women). The men would be stronger, quicker and have more endurance. I've watched womens football. Its a lot lot slower, and the players are weaker. And things like shot power, well women cant compare. They would struggle to win cock all in the air. And that is just at our level. I actually hope they give it a go now, just to prove me right.
  7. Nice one...answers the question about why they have to stop playing together after 11.
  8. They were all professional. Professional training methods, professional levels of pay. No one is denying women the right to play professional sport, women can be professional too! The point is, put them in sports up against men and they would be out of their depth.
  9. Who? And does she have the necessary skillset apart from strength to be a professional footballer in the mens game?
  10. See, I always thought it was nothing to do with sexism, and the reason they are split from age 11 is because its roughly the age when their bodies start developing. If girls play with boys, what you are saying is that girls will become as strong as boys? Am I right in thinking that, because if that is the case then you are saying girls are weaker than boys (you sexist pig ;) )...and if girls are weaker than boys then sure the argument that girls football lacks strength is true. Now the fact is, womens football does lack strength and pace, but not skill. In fact, you can compare it to most sports and its true. Fastest 100m runner on the planet- Man. 200m- Man. 400m-Man. 10,000m- Man. Every swimming world record- mens are faster than women. Same can be said for cycling. Fastest tennis serve ever- Man...it would go on and on and on. Its not sexist, its just the way it is, and its why there is mens football and womens football.
  11. In all seriousness though, why is it that Boys and Girls cannot play on the same teams after a certain age? And its not because of sexism. Womens football is quite skilful, but it lacks the pace and strength of mens. I honestly think Latics would beat England Ladies, due to the fact that strength and fitness would be superior and tell in the end, I dont think the ladies team could keep up with the tempo. We would probably lose a skills competition, but not a football match. And if this idea was actually serious, then someone needs to sit Mr Corny down and have a few words.
  12. I for one am glad I do not drink in the same pubs as you!
  13. Well I know that! Think there is about 0% chance they would even play in London again. Pretty sure I remember reading somewhere that the NHL said they only did it in London as they wanted to try playing in Europe, and it would be easier as a test run to do it in an English speaking country. In future it will be in countries where Hockey is poular (last year was Czech and Sweden IIRC). Bascially, no chance of it coming back to England because it isnt popular enough over here (they still should play the MEN though, would be ace!).
  14. After what happened last time we were at the Den maybe winding them up wouldnt be the safest thing to do!
  15. Yeah it was quality. NHL games are pretty mega to attend. They should open the season at the MEN. That would be pretty top!
  16. Once I was walking through Oldham town centre, ipod on and in a world of my own. Noticed this one charity woman, ignored her. She then followed me for about 20 yards, but I didnt realise until she had crept up round me and got right in my face and said something (dont know what, listening to music). So I stopped, took the earphones out and asked "what?"..."Have you got a minute sir"..."No". Why I did not give her a right mouthful I do not know, but I do remember being really pissed off that some one had interrupted such a good song! (cant remember what the song was, but its my iPod so must have been good)
  17. Capello is well on the way to restoring us to our former glories. A quarter final defeat on penalties is nailed on!
  18. Thats because my idea of what a proper team is is correct .
  19. beag teats post I agree with. Some people don't agree with charity, thats fair enough in my opinion. One of my old tutors when I was at college said he didn't support charities, because he believes they shouldn't exist. He said if the government did more then charities wouldn't need to do what they do. I don't agree with him, but if that is someones opinion then its someones opinion.
  20. Proper team...proper game...Walcott on the right..and this is what happened.
  21. He doesn't have to select them, he could select Beckham, but he isnt. Obviously, its working having Walcott/Wright-Phillips on the wing because the performances and results have improved.
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