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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. I was talking about in general and not just last night. We look even better with Walcott. Fabio Capello must agree with me too, because he keeps picking Wright-Phillips above Beckham, and Capello seems to know what he is doing.
  2. I wasnt replying to you...tbh I hadn't even read you post! Now that I have, I concur.
  3. So they haven't come on leaps and bounds under Capello? Did you not watch us under McLaren? Comprehensive wins in Croatia and Belarus, as well as a very good win in Germany. A team looking a lot more balanced. Lot more pace on the wings with Downing on the left, and Walcott on right (when fit). Plus we look a lot better with Wright-Phillips in there instead of Beckham (he is too slow for international football now). Looking a lot better in central mid now that we have a manager that realises you don't have to pick Gerrard and Lampard every game. Obviously we will look a lot more threatening upfront with Rooney....but like I said tonight "showed what everyone already knew, there is still plenty of room for improvement." Goalkeepers are awful, but thats hardly Capello's fault.
  4. Bloody hell, the team has come on leaps and bounds since Capello took over. Tonight, to put it simply, we were beaten by THE BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD. No disgrace, and it showed what everyone already knew, there is still plenty of room for improvement.
  5. dave_ragg1984


    I wouldnt wear anything pink. Id support the idea, bang some money in a bucket, but no I wouldnt wear pink. Also, does it have to be pink and breast cancer? Could it be another colour and to raise awareness about another type of cancer (ie, malignant melanoma, testicular cancer)? To be honest, I wouldnt fancy seeing Latics play at home in anything other than Royal Blue, but if it was to raise awareness for something like cancer it would be pretty damn petty to be against it just because I like blue!
  6. Just as long as you didn't read it on BBI...THE worst message board ever!
  7. Why? Why? WHY?!?!?! You shouldnt have expected her to say "no, its ok, go to the Football". She is a woman...when do they ever do what we expect? You need to do whay Mr T says.
  8. I dont think the Giants fans were that arsed...it was the Dolphins fans who should have been really pissed off. I dont think playing an extra game abroad will make the fans "happy", but playing an extra game and not taking a home game away would make them "happier" than it currently is.
  9. Golbourne's loan ends just as he is due to get fit I think.
  10. Eardly was MOM for me, but not like you can argue with picking any of the players out there (apart from maybe Maher as that back pass was shocking!).
  11. Great defensive performance, and we really used the ball well when we had it. Could have even won it.
  12. Any chance of a New Jersey Devils sig with these images? I did want an image of Brendan Shanahan on it, but I can only find pictures of him scoring against us and not for us! Cheers, Dave
  13. Bloody hell, tickets are cheap! HUF 500 HUF 700 HUF 900 HUF 1800 Its roughly HUF 330 to the pound. The dearest ticket is about £5.50 and a season ticket is only £90.
  14. This was announced some time in December, saw it on the NFLUK forums. Its a bit rubbish cos it means no more Mike Carlson on NFL. The guy is a legend, and has the craziest eyebrows known to man!
  15. I have often though this, and one of the problems with the club is that there isn't enough excitement with regards to moving between divisions. However, as a club we have not had all that many promotions, and I would have no confidence whatsoever that if we dropped in to the division below we would be able to bounce straight back.
  16. It came back on just before they scored here. One of the worst games I've ever seen!
  17. When the NFL said that the teams "like" the London game, I think they were meaning because they see it as a lucky game to play in. This season, although the Chargers lost, they went on to make the Playoffs, when they really shouldn't have. The Giants went on to win the SB. They said they liked it because it was the closest thing they have (build up wise) to the Superbowl. When the Giants got to the Superbowl, they felt like they were prepared for all the build up that surrounds the game because they had already experienced the London game. Obviously, the fans of the home teams are not going to like the games, but, Like the PL, the NFL only cares about money and not the fans.
  18. Yeah good point. And for interest to be sustained the team would have to be competitive after a few years, AND have homegrown talent. The structure that is in place would mean that we wouldn't have enough players homegrown players who are good enough (we would be lucky to get one). It would also need its own stadium, built for the NFL...you couldn't play 8 games at Wembley. A new stadium would be a huge financial risk for any backer when you consider that the whole thing might not be a success. The point about people already supporting teams is a good one. I wouldn't switch from the Giants, though I would want them to do well. When the Giants come to town I'd want the Giants to win...every game could end up like that. What division would they play in? Would they be an expansion franchise or a relocation? I also think the time difference wouldn't work. A couple of games a season overseas is ok, but if your having a team travel back and forth from America, and 8 teams coming over here, it would be a logistical nightmare. If the UK team was away on the West coast, the time difference is 9 hours. The next week they are back in London, then that is a massive disadvantage having to keep adjusting the body clock. They would be better spending any money like this on an infrastructure to make the league in the UK a higher standard, and make it possible that players in the UK can one day be good enough to transfer over to the NFL.
  19. I suppose there is a chance that we completed the deal prior to 5 but havent announced it yet. Obviously if thats the case then id expect it to be announced first thing.
  20. Lets not, i couldnt think of anything worse!
  21. I think your right, the Steelers were just that bit better. Overall as well, I think the seasons best team has won the league. They had the toughest schedule since the merger, and managed to come through as number 2 seed, which is pretty impressive. I hope Warner plays on for another season and the Cardinals kick on from here. Would be a shame for Fitzgerald to lose such a good QB, and for them to go back to how they usually are.
  22. Watched it at the Hard Rock Cafe in Manc, one of the best NFL games i have ever seen (but not as good as last years Superbowl ;) ). For me, this game has confirmed that Ben Rothlisberger and Kurt Warner should both end up in the hall of fame. Cant believe that last pass was ruled a fumble, and not even reviewed. A hail mary last play would have been interesting! Atmosphere in the pub was buzzing, 50/50 split between fans (well quite a lot of Steelers fans, and everyone else rooting for the underdog). Id be sick if i was a Cardinals fan right now, so close and you never know when the chance will come again. Rounded the night off with a 3am snowball fight round the centre of Manchester lol....roll on September, and hopefully a successful season for the New York Giants. Incidentally, as oafc0000 said, he started rooting Giants in about 88...i started about 10 years ago, and the only reason is that they share colours with Latics. If you are looking for a team to follow, that is as good a reason as any!
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