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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. I dont know, i tend to enjoy the defensive battles, but I am hoping Arizona win!
  2. As if Steve Smith has just done that! Agree completely. We definitely need to replace Burress. Not wanting to make excuses, but no Burress means they don't have to double team him, which leaves the opposition defence with spare guys to stop other players. I thought Burress shooting himself would affect us in the playoffs, but didn't realise how much it would affect us.
  3. This has been absolutely shocking. Awful performance. We know they are loading up to stop the run, and Eli has been awful. If he had an average game it would be close and possibly a Giants win. But he has been terrible.
  4. Eli has been shocking today. We wont score a TD today.
  5. Im going to have to stop writing Arizona off because they keep proving me wrong.
  6. Heres hoping we see some of this dished out on the Eagles tomorrow:
  7. They are on NASN, and im sure you can find them online if you are that way inclined.
  8. I take it you dont want me to download that game and put it on the disc with the daily show then?
  9. I think it was Miami, because thats how they have played all season, and the Ravens weren't being fooled by any of it.
  10. Yeah, thats what the Giants miss. No cheerleaders
  11. I think its in Queens. EDIT: Actually, i tell a lie, its in Long Island City: http://www.cncg.com/about_us.php?PHPSESSID...8f4a5f3ea8ec648
  12. Everytime I have watched college football, I always seem to pick really one sided games. And the players look too small. And the marching bands do my head in.
  13. Next week will be really really tough. NFC East games are rally tough to call, you could flip a coin for most of them. Eagles are firing. They are very streaky, but they are currently on a hot streak. Having said that, if they Giants play their best, we win. If the Giants play their best for the next 3 games, we win the league again...unfortunately its not that simple! I was praying for a Vikings win yesterday, no disrespect to Arizona, but I wanted them up in Jersey next week. Out of that nice warm indoor arena they have, into a cold windy New Jersey afternoon. That wont affect the Eagles, and with it being such an intense rivalry, this game is really dangerous....Should be a cracker!
  14. No idea what he was saying but he looked angry! Thats both of my predictions wrong. Hope Minnesota beat Philly tonight, would prefer to play Arizona in the next round over a divisional rival. With the Colts-Chargers game, in that OT drive, how many stupid penalties did the Colts want to give them? And going with an empty backfield at 3rd and 2 deep in your own half...what a bizarre play call.
  15. Peyton Manning has been named league MVP for a 3rd time: MVP Cant really argue with that, he is phenomenal.
  16. Yeah, definitely. And teams like Dallas, both NY Teams, Miami, NE, Pittsburgh etc... (basically anyone in a large market) would dominate. It would ruin the league because it would end up like the Prem, with big clubs at the top and the little guys struggling.
  17. Roger Goodell did an interview the otherday on the NFL website, he mentions something about it on there: http://chat.nfl.com/front/archived_chat/83
  18. I didnt mean moneywise, I meant in the way that people dislike them and its a pretty recent thing. In the USA, everyone hates Dallas because they are just like Man U (fans from all over the country because they have a history of success/majority of fans are mongs), whereas the Patriots success is relatively recent (like Chelsea), and they have this cheating streak (like Chelsea) and are quite arrogant (like Chelsea).
  19. Burress didnt make the miracle catch, that was David Tyree. Burress caught the winning TD. And Samuel did drop the easy pick. The NY press doesnt hate anyone not from NY, they hate Boston. And Boston hates NY, a proper city rivalry. Oh, and the Pats arent the MUFC of the NFL....the Cowboys are. The Pats are probably more like the Chelsea of the NFL. But anyway, lets all rejoice because the cheats didnt make it
  20. Arizona did win their division, which is probably the poorest division in the NFL, and once they won the division they took their foot of the gas big style. They were hammered 2 weeks in a row, and I fully expect their season to end this weekend. Dolphins did enough to win the division, Patriots did not. Better side or not they are the division champs. The funniest thing is, they are only the second side ever to not make the playoffs with 11 wins....thats gotta sting!
  21. New England wouldn't have been 11-5 with anything resembling a difficult schedule. Thy beat 9 poor/average teams and two decent teams (Miami, NYJ). Every other good side they played beat them (Miami, San Diego (and they werent that hot this year), Indianapolis, Jets, Pittsburgh). In the end, it actually came down to that win by the Jets in week 11 that stopped them (pretty sure they lost out to both Baltimore and Miami on vs Conference record). You win your division, your in. Simple as, unfortunately for the Patriots, there was a better team in the division. If you cant win your division then doesnt matter how good your record is. If there are two better second place teams they are in...i believe thats why they call it the wildcard. Seattle, Oakland, Arizona, Buffalo....I suppose you do deserve to be in the playoffs after a winning run against such mighty opposition. Bill Belicheck....better than Vince Lombardi ;)
  22. Thems the rules. Patriots should know the rules, they break enough of them! Very impressed with the Giants second string in the second half last night, good to see us taking a team with everything to play for right to the wire. Keep Jacobs fit and we will be tough to beat. The team I am most worried about is the Eagles, they have looked good recently.
  23. 15grand? It was snowing, whats he supposed to do!
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