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Everything posted by dave_ragg1984

  1. We are closing in on the Pens in the standings. 2 point behind, with 3 less games played. 8-2-0 in out last 10 aswell. The thing I dont understand though, how have the Rangers managed to play 31 games so far, but the Devils have only played 25? One or two games difference is ok, but 6 games is a lot!
  2. Fingers crossed that the Saints will get in ahead of Dallas!
  3. If Dallas lose tonight we have won the division and have a first round bye. Just hope today was a bad performance to get it out of our system.
  4. You see, the reason I ask (an never saw Zidane in the flesh, but anyway) is because I think Zidane is the most complete football player to ever play the game, and most probably the finest ever football player. He had absolutely everything, and whilst Keane was a very good player, I cant think of anywhere that he was stronger than Zizou.
  5. He said "all the things in the world" not "all the things in the m62 corridor"
  6. I dont think it should be bottom, maybe not as high for some people as it has been. As Tim Vickery said on the BBC this week, "of all the unimportant things in the world, football is the most important."
  7. Yeah, until it got a bit tough and then he started having a go at refs/players/fans/media. His first bad spell and he quits...the new Kevin Keegan?
  8. He doesnt have to leave, I hope we stand by him an he sorts himself out, but there is a very real chance he will go down for 3 1/2 years (at least). He is a fantastic receiver, and I do think this will hurt us in the playoffs. Even if he isnt playing well, he always has 2 men on him which opens it up for other guys. You cant afford to have one one man on him. And when he plays well, he is amazing...just look at the Green Bay NFC Title game last season.
  9. He will move i think, to the prison team! To be honest, he has been acting like an right fool this season, and he deserves to be suspended. The Giants will win the NFC East this season, which i think is a good achievement in any season, we should also win the NFC too now aswell. We have a very good chance of making another Superbowl. Does Burress really deserve to be part of such a good team? I dont think so.
  10. That really pissed me off that! Thought it was good that the league acted so quickly to make it illegal after he had done it though.
  11. Really you should want the Patriots to win. It could be the difference for the Saints when it comes to the season end. Hopefully, it will be even better if we go 18-1 this season.
  12. Id say Maybe, and No definitely not. I think they will make the Playoffs, it is interesting to see just how much Jets and Miami have improved this season. Giants v Jets Superbowl? That would be nice...though I dont care as long as its Giants vs anyone!
  13. Yeah, I dont understand how you "accidently" shoot yourself in the leg. And what the hell is he doing at a nightclub with a gun?
  14. I was gonna download it but I dont think ill bother now.
  15. During one away game last year (cant rememeber which one), we conceded and he said, "ill have to see that again to see who I can blame"....why?! He really does my head in. Moans all the time. On Saturday he proper slagged Crossley off for their goal. When I saw it on TV I really couldn't see how that was Crossleys fault, they player scored from about 8 yards out, the cross wasnt there for the keeper to claim. Then I remembered, Roy just doesnt like Crossley. He is so negative, and once he doesnt like a player he just moans about them and slags them off during games. Big Gordon is alright though.
  16. I want more. Crewe got over 2mil for Maynard. That is unrealistic and Crewe did very well there, but I definitely would want at least £1.5mil. He is a fantastic player. He is getting double and treble marked now, but it makes no difference, they still cant get the ball off him. And he is scoring goals too.
  17. Spot on. Taylor is the best player we have at the moment by a mile. He is simply fantastic, i wouldnt move him at all.
  18. To be fair, as good as he has been, if your team doesn't make the playoff you cant be MVP. It looks like NO Saints will have to win all their remaining games to make it. I cant see that happening.
  19. 2nd half he completed 16 or 18....thats pretty amazing. What is even better is that he always seems to do it when the pressure is on.
  20. I'd also say not as big as when we play the Eagles too. Will be very very tough this week. Thought the Arizona game was very tough too, they were the best team we have played for a few weeks I'd say, think only Pittsburgh were better of who we played this season. Another good win. Manning was fantastic, especially in the second half.
  21. How is that racist? There players all appear to have greasy hair, and they cheat...a lot!
  22. Yeah, but I've been playing it for over a month. I just had to turn it off in disgust/anger!
  23. I got rid of PES09 because after playing it for a week or two, it became apparent that its awful, so i thought I'd give FIFA a go. Been playing it for quite a bit. Played it on the default level for a week or two, way to easy. Computer never scores, its not like I score a lot but I was winning every game 2 or 3-0, whioch can get very boring. I upped the level to the next one up (world class i think), and there are quite a few things that really really annoy me, things I just cant seem to do, no matter what I do. Any tips would be appreciated fot these, lol: - Headers: seems impossible to win a header. If the comp gets a corner the there is a good chance they will score. Crosses are almost impossible to defend. Also, when the ball is in the air in midfield, even if i press the button to head it, they always wait for it to come down and try to pass it, meaning i lose every challenge that is not on the deck. - Beating your man: this seems impossible. If I'm running at a player with, for example, Kaka, and try to dribble round a man then they block me off, every time. I've tried the skill moves, but they don't work. - Crossing: Not so much a problem if i press the cross button, but if I cut into the area and just try to square it to my own man, then it ALWAYS goes behind him. - Controlling the ball: Why does it seem to take an age to got the ball under control? By the time I have it under control the opposition players are tackling me. Any help would be appreciated!
  24. Probably because he knows how good they are! To be honest, if your having a Pens sig why you not got Sid on there? Crosby is the nuts. Him and Ovechkin are probably my two fave players (non Devils that is) who are currently playing.
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