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Everything posted by creepy

  1. cant remember, we got a taxi IIRC, theres a petrol station on the main road outside the ground that was our pickup point for the taxi driver after the game watch out for the stewards and sailors
  2. we stayed here both times we have been, 5 or 10 minute walk to Union Street where all the bars are http://www.holidayinn.com/hotels/gb/en/ply...huk/hoteldetail
  3. i advise staying over, good night Plymouth, just dont end up in A+E like i did on a Sunday morning after an alcohol related accident 2-2 i think 2004?
  4. M'Voto stretchered off, Trotman coming on
  5. sounds like we are the better side, no real chances yet, M'Voto down injured now
  6. he will go to Spurs thats for sure apparently i look like David Beckham
  7. nice, why didnt we think of that tell Helga with the knee length leather boots on i said hello
  8. yeah i love Amsterdam, been twice
  9. the first time we went we stayed on a boat, Hotel Botel, which was pretty cheap (near the train station, Dam Square) the second time, we ended up in an ant infested hellhole id rather go to Copenhagen on Feb 9th when England play Denmark
  10. and all bought and payed for from a shop in Uppermill
  11. there was an endangered form of beetle on the original site, thats why they couldnt build IIRC
  12. what time will the first day finish tomorrow about 11am?
  13. who is that off mendi? if it is it is probably true
  14. i cant find anything to say they have undersoil heating
  15. few beers at home and an early night - in work tomorrow
  16. into the tail now, they will be all out before i go to bed at lunch
  17. i would like to apologise to Derek for my abrupt post last night, he was duped, if i recieved a txt like that i probably would have been straight on here aswell . .
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