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Everything posted by creepy

  1. 10 years service is 10 years service anything less and you shouldnt get a testimonial, thats the way i see it
  2. Gregan - quality player for us (if his time is up) shouldnt have a testimonial though
  3. 3 years after splitting from an ex, it still bugs me that i left my Latics vids at hers and im sure 96/97 was in there
  4. i thought they used designated hospitals for that Oldham Royal isnt an 'air ambulance hospital' is it?
  5. why would the club make a 'meeting plan' with Wardle for us when he has nothing to do with the club ''will you invest John''? ''no'' meeting plan over
  6. only a 10 hour session? what a lightweight welterweight
  7. the guy was awesome wherever he played wasnt he i think i remember him tearing Saints apart at Knowsley Road one year playing at centre, ill have to check my books
  8. anybody who cheats on ther wife/girlfriend is a dirty cheating scumbag, no matter what line of work they are in, my point was is that capello listened to Terrys outburst and has given the players more 'free time' which relieves pressure - which is a good thing
  9. you are the one who mentioned ''bus manners'' i take your point about the 'war generation' that are mostly no longer with us, but its a matter of respect to the older generation who are not as good on there feet as us i would have had something to say to that lad who came out with ''i have payed for my ticket'' or whatever he said when you are old im sure your attitude will change when the boot is on the other foot
  10. 20 OAP's live in my house? thats a pathetic comparison that OS have a bit of respect for the elderly that put there lives on the line so you can get on your precious bus in the first place
  11. i think you miss the point mate of giving your seat up to the elderly, in fact i think you are ignorant
  12. too be fair to the dirty cheating scumbag Terry, Capello has taken on board what he said during the world cup players are allowed more 'free time' now during away trips which can only be good for moral not sure about the reported ''6 bottles of cold lager'' Rooney was apparently allowed to have
  13. old people (generally) who just stop and have a conversation in the middle of the pavement whilst you are walking behind them people who build buildings too high but get away with it . . . .
  14. a mate who went to the game said Black was torn apart all game . . .
  15. maybe far from was a bit strong, but she looks like a bullfrog somedays
  16. Natalie Sawyer and Millie Clode Natalie Sawyer obviously goes for personality which explains why she is engaged to the most ugliest man on TV
  17. she is far from the best looking SSN presenter saying that i have still let her stay at my house on Friday
  18. i think them days are over, especially with only Corney here now and with the playershare scheme practically begging us fans to fund a player, it doesnt look good for ''marquee'' signings/signing
  19. we cant afford a stamp until somebody moves on, and that doesnt look like happening anytime soon! edit: even if somebody moved on would we sign anybody new, or would the wages go into running the club?
  20. age shouldnt matter when you are a parent as such, but just to add she was a very young parent, no older than 19/20 i reck (maybe younger) no excuse for what in my eyes was a serious lapse in concentration
  21. Davids was signed to play left back in the first place mate
  22. they have got all the info they need off John Michael hairdressers on the corner, it was captured on his CCTV apparently
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