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Everything posted by creepy

  1. yeah, lets hope our other targets are a proven scorer in league one instead of a young untried kid as prozac said
  2. . . . . starts the game for Doncaster tonight, if he does well doesnt look good for a loan/perm move to us
  3. Richard Branson is at number 32 so maybe Corney is in 3036 place? http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/busi...ch_list_search/
  4. 'i am the resurrection' - Ian Brown second thoughts . . nah
  5. the old one got thanked to the hilt if i remember rightly, he quit and went to Sunderland thinking about it now, i do find it a bit strange how Ackey wasnt thanked for his efforts
  6. Roman Bednar was mentioned a couple of months ago wasnt he? we want more coke flying about!
  7. i remember a latics fan being hit with a coke can at Loftus Road in the play off second leg - disgusting
  8. you mean you wasnt intoxicated going watching that? how brave are you
  9. unfortunately, that makes you as bad as them did anybody see any Millwall fans being ejected?
  10. maybe his 6 month trial period ended, he decided he wanted to take a different career path, Ackey and Latics part company with a handshake or is that too simple? has there got to be something more sinister? i think not!
  11. all i said was ''i heard he had been sacked a couple of hours ago'' or something like that i didnt say he had
  12. no plans needed in my case welcome to OWTB by the way
  13. ''fans'' you say . . . are you implying we are not fans because we are not happy with the Failsworth situation?
  14. fair enough, i thought Bob Dowie was a scout lets hope our new manager has a brother managing a crappy non league team then im still impressed the way Fitz burst onto the scene, hopefully we can unearth another one eh
  15. compared to what Penney has brought in? come on eh! its a scouting issue, not a management one! i thought Bob Dowie was a scout and not Chesham's manager?
  16. im amazed how he did quite well with Doncaster, but came here and was terrible a matter of money being available? i thought he was brought here to do well on a shoestring no?
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