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Everything posted by creepy

  1. on the opposition group theme i do know someone who is in the process of starting one you will find out about it in the new year, it wont get anywhere like
  2. we are in a better league position than when he had that rant are we though?
  3. god knows when im gonna see a game now but on the plus side
  4. same with the Royal Mail, if your postman slips and injures himself, he can claim off your insurance you are supposed to grit your paths and doorstep
  5. its great how this thread has turned out the way it has OWTB - fooking love it
  6. christ, 12 pages, it was a thread about stadium design
  7. have you forgot what you said on page 1 lad? im repeating you, obviously
  8. did it actually hit the bar aswell? im undecided
  9. her pocket isnt deep, yet i ended up paying for everything
  10. you know about as much as us if the game is on or not, so come back xmas eve or something, yeh?
  11. not having that, i aint no Manc or yorkshireman never have been, never will be. im Lancastrian thanks duck
  12. having watched all the highlights im suprised everyone used a white ball
  13. i hope so, it means i can stay in the boozer instead
  14. seeing a lady friend in Clowne today it took me 3 hours to get home to Barnsley on a journey that should take about an hour the weather is terrible its reminding me of 'the day after tomorrow'
  15. i see Cardiff was postponed yesterday, so they havent got it in there new stadium
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