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Everything posted by creepy

  1. well you have seen the plans that nobody else has - well done for that, spae land? where have you got this from? my issue is a piss poor 12000 (10500) self sufficient stadium run off a few rented out football pitches team budget? whos team budget will that be off? it certainly wont be off the TTA - they will be gone
  2. yeah thats fair enough i just think some chairmen punch above there teams weight when getting rid of managers, Phil Brown is a prime example, Hull are a botton 3 side he has kept them up once (quite impressivly) and now they are where they deserve to be, they think he should be sacked - its just madness the same as Peterborough, he should be given untill the end of the season, if he keeps them up then its all good, if they go down then its time for someone else you never know he might end up at latics in 2 years
  3. what do you mean by what has been proposed so far? it isnt going to change is it, we are being forced into accepting a poor 12000 self sufficient stadium run off a few rented out football pitches unless a new owner comes in who wants to throw some money away we are heading for league 2 its depressing how some latics fans are accepting it just for the sake of better facilites
  4. thats what i mean by clubs needing luck on the injury front you cant blame Ferguson/Peterborough for having a bit of money and spending it very wisely can you? i dont understand how you can slag a manager/team off who have done it the way only we can dream of - it sounds a bit like sower grapes everybody knows a crap player means you will be a good manager - Darren Ferguson was no world beater pathetic sacking IMO - one of the worst ive seen for many a year
  5. exactly, the land is the key without the land we are not a sellable asset, which means lower league football probably forever IMO
  6. thats just an unfair and completely wrong post every team that wins promotion needs a bit of luck with injuries and suspensions and lucky with the signngs he bought? maybe he can spot a good player? it sounds like you have a hidden agenda because that post is tripe im afraid mate
  7. i would take a properly one anyday, the proper ones never seem to work out do they
  8. thats about the same as i see it the core of the team is there, just a couple of tweaks (a creative midfielder and a goalscorer) and we will be a good team its all about building for a serious promotion challenge next season
  9. Colbeck will one day play for England, you heard it off me first bargain of the century - thanks Bradford
  10. no creativity - no goalscorer = no goals something needs to be done, i hope DP is on the phone sorting this out
  11. for christs sake talk about about a thread going off subject i bet the Hudds fan thinks WTF
  12. TTA are going announce we have got 4 burger vans at each corner of the ground to make us more self sufficient
  13. i hope he called him a c**t for shipping us off to Manchester
  14. ........ leeds fans are they that brain dead that they cant respect a minutes silence pathetic morons
  15. its my opinion, do i have to alter my opinion to make a coherent argument? it doesnt matter about 12000 x £18, we will still (hopefully) have 3500 guarnteed and not many more! the difference now is we are being left with a league 2 self sufficient stadium, where before we where a much more attractive club, with the BP land
  16. a 12000 self sufficient club, run off a few rented out football pitches = league 2 by the tone of that post it seem to me you still havent recovered from the other month have you mate
  17. im going to go off the facts at the moment which is we are building a self sufficient 12000 stadium which means league 2 im not going to believe that post because you know nothing about the figures TTA are dealing with and as regards to apparently i moan at every design yes i do!! give me an original 16000 and i will be happy
  18. dont you mean take what you are given and have done with it?
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