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Everything posted by creepy

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/8325140.stm
  2. no i didnt i dont need any marketing, i know when the games are being played and who we are playing - possible new fans dont
  3. oh yeah 7th or 8th, Saturday will do me fine then if its Sunday then ill be watching it in a pub (if its on TV) in my new home town of Barnsley (bound to be a few Leeds fans living in Barnsley)
  4. They wont even pay for an advert in the Chron to advertise games so having a two game deal dofinately wont happen we are lagging behind Oldham rugby when it comes to marketing
  5. excuse me, but he doesnt look anything like me, thanks
  6. same here even we dont know yet what fully went on on Saturday all we know up to yet is that it wasnt his trouble to begin with, he was just sticking up for someone but crommy being crommy wouldnt back down to nobody, thats just what he was like i think the lad (who has been arrested for assault) will crap himself now and give the names of his cronies
  7. very true its a war zone everywhere
  8. . . . . . . . makes it even worse when its a friend of yours R.I.P Cromwell - you will be sadly missed mate life should mean life for them bastards http://www.oldham-chronicle.co.uk/news-fea...-after-stabbing http://www.oldham-chronicle.co.uk/news-fea...street-stabbing
  9. That reminds me when i delivered a running machine to Carrington the same thing happened with Wes Brown, all i got was a grin! its rude not to ask
  10. i think most of us realise we are a mid table team, and most of us realise we will lose plenty this season. what people are finding hard to take is the manner of the defeat yesterday (Mr Brill) as i have said in other threads he is gaffe prone whether he is full of confidence or low on confidence, which is worrying it makes me laugh how some people think he still needs time to settle, the bloke has had over 13 games, the other players seem to be doing ok like you say though we have no choice but to get behind the bloke, its baffling how a gaffe prone keeper isnt replaced by bringing someone new in
  11. most of us where too off our heads to smile like buffoons
  12. you are not allowed to be so happy you know its against board rules
  13. awww come on Leyland how can you stick up for him? so you think it is acceptable for him to make horrendous mistakes as long as he has 5 decent games? is that acceptable yeah? he isnt worse than cancer, you wont get me booing him thats for sure, he is all we can afford which isnt his fault, its somebody elses fault but thats a different story
  14. he made a mistake TODAY and thats all? thats my point he makes bloopers in form and out of form, surely you can see it
  15. the bloke makes bloopers when he is in form (today) but makes bloopers when he out of form (take your pick when)
  16. it isnt just one mistake for gods sake
  17. we need to throw beach balls in the box where we are attacking, that might change our fortunes eh
  18. how are you trying to balance it out? by saying the fans dont help aswell? if he didnt make horrendous bloopers, then the fans wont be on his back but the sad truth is he makes horrendous bloopers and should not be playing - simple as that his form pre today and post hartlepool is going against him in the argument by which i mean whether he is in form or out of form he will continue to make bloopers
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