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Everything posted by creepy

  1. i think he will be getting an extended run in midfield with worthington looking like he is out for a while
  2. you are talking as if that is the first mistake he has made, as you know it isnt, and wont be his last time to bring in a new keeper
  3. alarm bells were ringing straight away when Colbeck signed, after it came out that it took him 3 years to score a goal for Bradford ouch
  4. Martin Gray just said lets wait and see how he bounces back, starting with training on Monday morning in other words he is the only keeper we have, we are skint, we know he is s*it but what do we do
  5. Went straight to hospital Martin Gray says they will find out how bad it is later on tonight or tomorrow morning how bad did it look?
  6. thats it isnt it, he is the only one we have, it wont be the last gaffe we see off Mr Brill
  7. thats my point the bloke should be full of confidence, he is obviously gaffe prone no matter how confident he is, and it looks like it wont be his last mistake
  8. its all well and good being beaten off the better side but if we had defended properly we would have got a point today if Brill makes clangers like that when he is full of confidence, then he needs shipping out
  9. for us without player not sure if it will be us live or portsmouth, but ours is being advertised as live commentary http://news.bbc.co.uk/local/hampshire/hi/tv_and_radio/
  10. 2 is a start but we need thousands do we not? and will that happen in Citys back yard - i dont think it will it is a terrible place for a football club to relocate - right in the back yard of the richest club in the world, its complete suicide counthill was just an idea that i mentioned weeks ago, which wont happen, but you are right there is nowhere else by the looks of it and its very sad edit: i think, and im not on my own saying this that TTA should put the club up for sale immediately, make us self sufficient at BP, rather than self sufficient at Failsworth
  11. so thats 2 new fans we have, its a starting point for the fans we will lose ill give you that location - terrible success - self sufficient - never stadium design - need for expansion (but whats the point moving there) its really hard to get through to some people isnt it, but people living in Failsworth would be all for this move wouldnt they
  12. counthill school was a suggestion made weeks ago, which was debated today, what do you mean being retained? terrible transport links in fact on the golf course site, but when you dont want FAILsworth your mind is working overtime, but im not sure about contamination, they have been digging that site up for years
  13. fussy people these conference facitlity needing people then are they not its not that far from the M62 junction and there is no other place in Oldham i would rather wake up (in a hotel) with the views you can enjoy like i say i know it wont happen, but its got to be better than Manchester
  14. the same people who would use the facitities at BP, Ferney Fields or FAILsworth
  15. Counthill was just an idea, anywhre but FAILsworth IMO Counthill wont happen saying that an access road could be built which leads traffic onto Waterworks Road, down Culvert Street (at the side of the old Orb mill) and onto Huddersfield Road. that would leave 4 traffic routes, there is enough room on that site to build 2 stadiums - if only
  16. it was me who mentioned the Counthill school, golf course sites, cant think of anywhere else around here counthill school is a huge site, an access road could be built where the ski slope is onto Ripponden Road
  17. Elite Lockers on Derker Worked with Nigel and Alan for 7 years, Brian and Simon started later i dont know what reputation they have around Royton but they were all sound blokes
  18. hmmm very interesting is there a Simon and a Alan Hall aswell? i think i used to work with 4 of them if it is the same family
  19. can i ask you if you are in favour of Failsworth or not?
  20. maybe not a promise then, but id rather they didnt give a five year plan out without them knowing the game/business
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