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Everything posted by creepy

  1. thats my point other than the die hards, to attract more fans the new fans want to see 'marquee' players and goals im not saying the team are not playing well because they are, its just that new fans would want more
  2. we are 9th in the league, which isnt bad to say we have a piss poor squad only the die hards go now (if i could offord id be there) which tells you whats going on IMO championship football is the only way to bring the fans back but it isnt going to happen with these owners (which they promised), they want to spend as little as possible now before they sell we all know that dont we?
  3. its quite straight forward for me, get a winning team on the pitch (by that i mean championship footbal) and the crowds will come back instead of owners spending as little as possible to make a profit
  4. can you get me a job being an online agent? good money? PM me please
  5. if i was chairman . . . . . . . i would put the club up for sale
  6. agreed, i can believe i stayed up one eyed to watch that rubbish
  7. Bunn played against Exeter? it must have been that game then, around 92 nice one prozac
  8. he was infatuated with gregan that commentator on 5live
  9. havent got a clue what year it was i know it finished 0-0 on the plastic pitch, with Frankie Bunn firing over from the edge of the box come on clever arse prozac when was this?
  10. haha shove it Charlton brilliant result, not many teams will take points away from the valley great performance latics
  11. ive seen it on facebook, the local thug gets decked - classic!
  12. we wish! a poll at a home game, isnt in TTA best interests is it? if Failsworth gets voted against then TTA will not 'bankroll' the club anymore, put us up for sale and they leave without making a profit, which is why they are here in the first place its exactly the reason why Failsworth is being rushed through, and it stinks to high heaven but its quite simple to tick yes or no at the turnstyles, isnt it funny how we havent been offered that option
  13. it was actually in favour as NO http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25360 very close, but not the vast majority, just to say every latics fan i speak to, who dont post on here are strongly against the move aswell edit; the poll you are refering to doesnt answer the question of 'do you want the club to move to Failsworth', people are voting on the question of 'will moving to Failsworth affect you watching latics'
  14. i remember that crap coming out of his mouth it was definately Central Park the only rugby game ive seen that was 0-0 at half time
  15. even though i was only 11 years old, John Holdsworth wouldnt have known what had hit him if id have got my hands on him that disallowed try will haunt me for the rest of my life i might get my Roughyed books out
  16. yes Mr Holdsworth was the ref and i was there at Central Park, the worst decision in sporting history and i will add that that game (people will disagree) was the most intense match i have ever watched (including me watching latics games)
  17. aww come on Andy edit; i will also say that the roughyeds are the most successful team in the town, so they should be at BP
  18. 1. they get crowds of more than 500 2. in rugby league terms, they are probably on a par with us 3. yes we should help them out 4. suppprt your towns teams, and not just latics
  19. i know you are a lot brighter than that LL, the 'pitifull obvious token black man', is probably the youngest member of the EDL, who is there by choice, and wants the best for his country, which means protesting against 'clerics' who are brainwashing young (and old) muslims to fight the third and final jihad
  20. wasnt gillespie one of the players though? - wouldnt mind him at all
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