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Everything posted by creepy

  1. the only reason why talk sport ran this story is because you have told them, they think they have a 'scoupe' im guessing the email you have recieved says something along the lines of 'we are looking at every possibility', and 'at this stage we cannot rule anything out' were as in actual fact the email you have recieved tells you absolutely nothing just post the email up, because its getting boring now
  2. ive seen that link before, thats not Gazal is it? i thought he had a beard
  3. i havent heard him speak since day one. I think hes the main man for them in the US
  4. one of our old managers - the legend that is Joe Royle christened our stadium 'ice station zebra' because in winter (and possibly summer) its fffffreezing cold! so bring a hat and scarf
  5. I must have dreamt about floodlights being installed i wasnt born till 78 or it might be oldham rugby im thinking of
  6. That is a certainty, they have downscaled the project to make more money before they sell up and go back to america leaving us with a lower league stadium, and possibly (IMO doubtful) a league 2 team on the pitch the club is dying - scaremungering, its failsworth or bust according to TTA
  7. without using numbers such as 12000 or 16000 id like a bigger one than what we are getting
  8. i believe a couple of people emailed the club with suggestions of different sites did anybody get a reply back? going off that article i think its Failsworth or nothing though
  9. stupid idea and e mailing the relevant people is even more stupid
  10. i had to read it again, i missed the part were he said we are gonna be bigger than United
  11. A lad that i know streaking against Man City - funny The same lad trying to do it at the JJB, but falling over the advertising boardings with his pants around his ankles - even funnier
  12. its all very pathetic this, 'you are now on ignore', 'i ignore people, but it doesnt work on others' christ sake its a message board, some people take it far to serious its safe to say i will never put anybody on block, its a message board, its what message boards are about, if you cant be bothered reading what somebody has said just scroll past hmm i wonder if anybody has blocked me and wont see this
  13. tragic news, thoughts are with family and friends R.I.P
  14. To nip this in the bud 'You're not a latics fan anymore, you dont go - so go away' - thats just wrong, as someone has pointed out he has got a season ticket, so will be their this season - so he is a fan. personally (even though its nothing to do with you) the next game i will be at is Charlton (due to financial reasons as you know) - so i am a fan so just because me/or whoever hasnt been to many games this season or none at all (yet) does not mean we are not fans do you understand that? and here is the link when you started going on about kids etc http://www.owtb.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=25131&st=260 and p.s you can send me all the abusive PM's you like - it made me chuckle when i logged on
  15. yeah ur missis pops kids out and all you have to buy them is a season ticket you are hard work real, put your calculator away its too late son you are missing the point and i think you have had too much alcohol tonight, if you are on tomorrow we will carry this discussion yeah! but when it comes down to it you think you are having a go at people for not going to the match when you dont know what peoples circumstances are (which is childish) and if you want to look at the thread about failsworth you was talking about me loving my kids etc
  16. may have been a bit to strong, but when fellow fans are slagging others off for not going during a recession is damn right out of order
  17. what do you really know about his circumstances? £50k a year he might have 35 kids and a massive mortgage. do you know he hasnt? i aint sticking up for anyone i dont know, but if he is experiencing difficulties like myself the last thing we need is a 'superfan' trying to tell us we cant have an opinion because we cant afford to go, my opinion is as valid as yours. its you real who needs to take a step back and look at things a bit more clearly. and regarding the posts about Failsworth, you completely lost me when you started on about how i love my kids etc hence the non reply
  18. no it wasnt as bad, people were saying it went through his hands, when really he didnt realise how strong the header would be - but being a goalie thats a sin
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