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Everything posted by creepy

  1. you was replying to OAFC0000 about him saying he still hasnt been this season. how do you know he isnt experiencing financial problems like half the country (including me)? but before you know the facts you start saying you are not a latics fan blah blah blah before you know the facts why dont you try keeping your :censored:ing mouth shut? superfan real strikes again to be honest if he had the money to go and watch but decided to keep it in his pocket can you blame him? but its got nowt to do you with you what he does, but hes still a latics fan do you get me? you need to pipe down a bit superfan real
  2. you really dont get it you real do you people cant go due to financial reasons (or maybe they cant be arsed) like me, who would love to go if i could afford it you are not a latics fan anymore, you dont go - so go away? who do you think you are? all hail superfan real
  3. i might send one to Corney, asking them to spend some of the projected earnings off the stadium project on the team, then maybe we will see championship football like they said we would
  4. its not worth starting a thread about people wanting sheridan back the people who want him back are in need of medical help and need to be ignored
  5. 16th? is that all? thats disappionting, i thought we would have been lower than that
  6. should still be open on a Saturday though shouldnt it the players should be made to work behind the counter
  7. and what is a 'right' cast off? they are cast offs in the first place because they are not good enough if players in the conference are good enough for league 1 and beyond they will command a fee - which we havent got or if you are talking about unheard of players, can you imagine the abuse he would get if they dont turn out? People would be saying 'why has he brought these non league no hopers in'? 'why didnt he get league 1 cast offs, or decent league 2 players' - which is what hes done.
  8. It cant just be ignored though can it, we have broke an 89 year old record - its a big deal
  9. He is buying what his budget will allow him cast offs and league 2 players, you cant blame Penney
  10. Its plainly obvious that he needs more money to work with comments about him being sacked are just ridiculous
  11. please please please dont get your calculator out They where making money out of the land with the £80 project - the recession hit - they downscale player funding - then downscale to a poxy stadium in Failsworth! Is it not obvious no that they are downscaling to make as much money as they can before they put the club up for sale? JESUS CHRIST DOES IT NEED SPELLING OUT TO PEOPLE
  12. Bingo! sod all this they saved our club blah blah blah, IMO the recession has fell straight in there hands
  13. 9/10 the teams with money who use it well are up there at the end, we havent got the funds other teams have in our league - DP isnt to blame
  14. shoestring budget - which is why we have unwanted league 1 players and league 2 players
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