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Everything posted by creepy

  1. too much is being read into 'hes a full international' he only gets in the Wales team when they have got injuries, and Wales are crap out of contract next season, being tics fans its bound to be too low, but realistically its about the right price!
  2. looking back when they first came and revealed the master plan, i wish i would have realised that in football business terms they are very naive
  3. There is nothing in it for them - i was being sarcastic, there is everything in it for them, which is why we are being fobbed off with a 12000 stadium so they make as much money as they can before they sell up
  4. give it up eh! TTA are our saviours! They are here to save Oldham Athletic and thats it! There is nothing in it for them! although i am gratefull for still having a club - they are here to make money off us - FACT they saved our club, so we cant question them in any way eh
  5. the plan was to be in the Championship by now - thats my point
  6. i wish they would put more of their wealth in too, but unlike you i dont understand why they wont we should be in the Championship now according to TTA
  7. very true, if we dont see any of that money spent it will be a major disappointment
  8. teams are not that naive are they! they have been watching him for ages, not just this season! if they are playing well or not, that doesnt matter!
  9. if he goes out on loan anywhere, there is no guarantee he will go straight into there 11 its pot luck in a sence, they are either there because of injury problems or as cover you cant say to a club, 'you either play him every week', or 'you are not having him' - it doesnt work like that
  10. exactly, the playing budget this year is a lot down on last seasons so i find it puzzling that any of the Eardley money isnt available
  11. very disappointing no? a team that should be in the championship by now, are selling there 'best' players to balance the books. and IMO are still going to struggle in this league for a while yet. maybe next year a bit of the Eardley money might come out eh
  12. are we going to see any of it paid out on a decent centre half? or if Blackman turns out to be gash after his loan spell, are we going to see the money going on a proven goal scorer? or is the money going to disappear, lets say on ground maintenance for a month? thoughts on the eardley money?
  13. im still laughing at the 'minty' one someone put up
  14. to be fair it was a 'gentle reminder' not a 'if anyone post p2p links on here, they will be banned' kinda thing
  15. its the fans outside without tickets who will be the problem aswell
  16. keep your doors and windows locked i wonder whos gonna foot the bill to clear all the crap up they leave behind?
  17. just seen it for the first time he was unlucky with the slip, but he should have cleared it as far as Broadway
  18. absolutely no loyalty in football, if hes an Oldham fan or not If we accept a decent enough bid for him then good luck to the lad
  19. was the chadd that empty yeah? - http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/Galle...1765477,00.html i didnt go yesterday, but it is only big old me but really what the hell is going on with our crowds? im gonna put it down to no 'marquee' players to get the punters in
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