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Everything posted by creepy

  1. a bit of atmosphere - but with 4 box stands that aint gonna happen
  2. satisfied with mid table? really? im glad you are not Corney, Penney or a player
  3. i dont think its a case of panicking way too soon, the fact is we have seen it all before we are just reading it as it is again
  4. Maybe if Jacobson was playing he would have handled Taylor-Fletcher better, but we need a centre half asap who is Dean Holdsworth by the way, according to the half time report on the OS he plays for us!
  5. who made the mistakes gregan and hazell? or were lomax and holdsworth involved?
  6. I was worried before today with them 2 in centre defence, but conceding 4 today is very worrying i think the signing of a new centre half is essential
  7. about time! a nice little 2 hour spell
  8. i dont think he got his leg over last night and hes come on here to let his frustrations out
  9. another centre half and striker i think we need this squad will kick off the new season, but im expecting loan signings for sure
  10. right back for Richards, when he regains his form this season he will be one of if not the best right back in the country we wont be seeing any Micah money for a long time
  11. would be a great signing but theres not a chance we can afford his transfer fee and wages the only striker we will be signing is Darren Byfield
  12. This is the way we should be going, although 22000 is too big for our first tier, it should be 16000, then build the second tier if and when we are an established champ team. franchise or not they are showing everyone the way forward http://www.mkdons.com/page/Virtualtours/0,,10420,00.html
  13. Furman is fit and playing tonight according to the chron
  14. YES and NO typical Oldham still
  15. MAN HO = HELL NO i can tell you a few tales about hygene at that particular chippy
  16. here we have a 17 year old, and the real world has not yet hit him . . . . bless
  17. my team Cech Johnson Vidic Djourou Upson Wright-Phillips Rodwell Riise Ashley Young Torres Rooney Subs Sorensen Luke Young Larsson Bojinov
  18. i would rather do a league 1 one like the telegraph one last year Are they not doing it this year?
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