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Everything posted by creepy

  1. im really struggling to get my head around all this negativity of the new signings us as latics fans being in the lower leagues for god knows how long should know that money alone will not get us to the championship although money would help good management is the key the 3 signings we have made up to yet 1 is a promising left back and 2 are consistent battling players who will wear the clubs badge on there sleeve and give 100% (for instance on a cold tuesday night down south) with 5/6 more signings yet to come - quality will arrive aswell i dont buy into all this that we are poor with a low budget because SC has gone on record saying this years budget is only slightly down on last years (Which lets be honest was decent and spent in the wrong way by sheridan) DP has gone on record saying he is in contact with a number of premiership clubs regarding bringing in long term loans (which is the right way to use the loan system ie wheater from middlesbrough) in football terms there is still plenty of time left to bring the quality in we need - we have almost got the backbone the moaners need to take a step back and start criticising when the new team takes to the field against stockport until then keep the faith
  2. its just a non argument dean and completely pointless this when the squad is in place that is the time to start speculating on wages
  3. just logged on and cant be bothered reading 3 pages but this thread = i wouldnt say its as bad as the ibiza one - but its bad
  4. my original post was tongue in cheek and the one about signing premier and champ players was a wind up chill out geez
  5. we should have 5 players in place from the premier league and 5 from the championship by now - simply not good enough
  6. clean sheets dont get you promoted? your comment is ridiculous fella
  7. is dean furman scottish if we sign him? is he 21 or under? is he good enough to get a call up?
  8. i wish the moaners would name names for new targets instead of saying 'we should be after championship players' etc to slag new signings off that they havent seen play on a regular basis, there football knowledge must be extensive so lets have a few names eh moaners
  9. if he turns out to be a belter and we sell him for 600k will we be fans of the cross border transfer arrangement?
  10. and christ himself sends us Corporal Jones
  11. We will, DP has said he is in contact with clubs from the premier league regarding signing players on long term loans.
  12. in what way? Edit: i didnt get much sleep last night
  13. i remember him having an absolute stormer for bristol rovers in an FA cup tie which was on TV, i think it was against West Ham I know its only 1 game, but it shows what he can do against teams like that, and only 22 Good signing DP ignore the on here who expect us to be breaking the bank with every player we sign welcome to BP Joe edit carling cup tie
  14. just to say the 'situation' i am in is not because of me behaving like a with the police - its the other way around and i agree if you balloon it with the police then you deserve a truncheon around your head - if i was a copper i would use it
  15. +1 i was hoping for a double wammy of fixtures and signings today
  16. couldnt have said it better myself cant say to much at the minute but ive got an ongoing 'situation' with GMP, CICA and the IPCC I am living proof that there is a 'policeman' working out of Oldham who is an incompatant and believe me i am in the process of making an example of him he picked on the wrong person with me
  17. would you have licked your dinner off the wall if you had spat it out?
  18. Worth a punt in my eyes and wouldnt cost a lot with them being semi pro 3 month contract? And hopefully lessons have been learnt about paying out quite big wages for veterans, then it can all go tits up
  19. whoever it is we need a good start as always ill go for Brighton (away) Exeter (home)
  20. i wouldnt mind him here at all! As long as he wont break the bank i cant see him being on much in the italian 4th division. i didnt watch him in the masters but apparently he was fantastic he could be the difference in some games with a bit of magic, but like i said i hope DP doesnt break the bank for him and no he isnt the new windass
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