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Everything posted by creepy

  1. Cant he play left back aswell? Not saying he will but im sure he can
  2. Good signing for me this Going down the right road here with consistent performers
  3. I remember a few weeks back actually a thread was started called 'who is OLDHAM SCOTLAND' and a mystery person appeared (cant remember his name), then disapeared but only commented on that thread mmmmm
  4. I feel that is why he is not on here because he will get shown up for the t*sser he is
  5. I wish they would hurry up cos the boredum of pre season is gathering pace! i need SIGNINGS
  6. Id take some time out if the crap on this board affects you like that! Or maybe go for a holiday to Ibiza that might cheer you up
  7. It will come out in the wash, but if it turns out he turned us down for Rochdale then thats a worry, cant see it myself but wait and see eh
  8. Gerant Jones? I think its safe to say even if fit Simon Jones wont be in the squad, his swing would work wonders at Cardiff aswell step up James Anderson! KP injured for the windies one dayers
  9. Wouldnt mind going just for the crack, but after seeing them 4 times before it just gets more disapointing everytime IMO
  10. Coming to England with no spinners could be a suicidle decision by Ponting and co, but i think and know they are a lot smarter than that! They will have something up there sleeve, nobody really know much about this new young aussie side. I wouldnt be suprised if a few of the specialist batsmen bolw a bit of spin
  11. I would seriously doubt that we have made a bid for him. Rochdale, league 2 contenders or Dave Penney again at Oldham possible league 1 contenders I dont think we have made a bid
  12. The way ive read it is almost everyone disagrees with this thread, and have posted a lot more than a derisory two lines! but anyway its the point of how you have have opened the thread A lads holiday at the end of season - nothing wrong footballers boozing heavily during season - everything wrong so if these pictures have been popping up on your facebook all season, why ignore them when you feel strongly about it (so you should and so should everyone else) and post some pictures of a pre season holiday to get your point across? This is what i dont understand. This is why i said i think this thread would have more credibility if you had gone about it that way.
  13. 10 pages of the cringeworthy thread of the year! I suppose it is 10 pages though because 99% think it is a load of After having a read through i understand why the thread has been posted. During the season there has been pictures put up on facebook of the mentioned players out on the lash. And during the close season there has been pictures put up on facebook of the mentioned players enjoying an end of season holiday. 1. Why were the pictures of the players drinking during the season not put on here? 2. Why post pictures of the players doing absolutely nothing wrong on here to try and highlight what they are getting up to? This thread would have had a lot more credibility if they were pictures of them on the lash during the season, but to try and get your point across with pictures of a lads holiday is just completely wrong. Its the point of using the holidays pictures that has got peoples goat i think I will take your word and actually believe you that the other pictures have been deleted (obviously someone has told them about this thread), its just the way this thread has been started.
  14. Yeah i kind of get your point if they are out on the lash every week, but are they? But what i dont understand is what is wrong with a lads boozy holiday at the end of the season? They are young lads pro sportsman or not! I still think its ridiculous to be posting them pictures on here, if the pictures were over a sustained period (and not in ibiza), say around Oldham on a sunday night with a game on Tuesday for instance then you might have a point but its a young lads holiday for christs sake!
  15. what are you picking on me for! You must admit though lags its a bit cringeworthy and rather pointless this thread I was doing exactly the same at that age (but in my pics i was probably doing something illegal mmmmm) Give them a break eh they are young lads enjoying themselves! What do you want them to do sit at home eating salad and drinking water? Or going round to there grans and mowing her lawn!
  16. Oh my god another contender for worst thread of the year. What the hell as it got to do with anyone what they do in the close season when they are on holiday? Jesus!! this is actually the winner of the most cringeworthy thread of the year well done
  17. Good get him back on board, a lot better than whitaker and would improve our side, whether he went to leeds for better money and career prospects or not!
  18. Read the thread i cant be arsed repeating myself for people who cant be arsed looking! But if you are laughing too much maybe not eh
  19. Read the thread and will you stop with the ha ha ha ha because its making me go in my shell
  20. But if they get took over the contracts become active again maybe? God knows!!
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