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Everything posted by creepy

  1. The Gazette link - http://www.gazettelive.co.uk/north-east-sp...229-23545027/2/ Its only a little bit at the bottom of the second page Its a shame for them a potential investor has pulled out
  2. Am i right in thinking city only offered us between 150k and 200k for the 20%?
  3. well done you are starting to lighten up on here
  4. Nurses college yeh! It might be 2 nighter then!
  5. Whats the night life like? Definately a stop over. but watch it be on a Tuesday!
  6. You are very good at answering a question - with a question, i think you would make a good MP. No what i meant is you have started a doom and gloom thread about Joes comments, which is obviously fine its the Norwich, Bury/Rochdale threads that you have tried turning into another doom and gloom thread. It gets very very boring. If following latics has made you like this then its time to give it up if you want my advice! round and round in circles eh
  7. Now please enlighten me on the proles and little father comments cos i dont get it. Its certainly not my problem fella your doom and gloom!! its your doom and gloom comments on other threads as well as your own which is the problem isnt it
  8. Good post. I hope Penney keeps Lee, bit gutted if he goes, wont be to bothered about Gregan!. Interesting his comments about Hughes. Hail Joe Royle
  9. Prole? You have posted another '15 years ago' remark on the Bury Rochdale thread aswell if you care to look. Ryan Brookes goal - what do you think CJ? could be a good un eh? Dave Penney - what do you think CJ? good lower league manager eh? Big Joe getting rid of the crap - what do you think CJ? can only be good eh? Next years budget only slightly down on this years - what do you think CJ can only be good eh? My point AGAIN is that good things happen aswell But its just all doom and gloom in your head isnt it
  10. The reason why i am only putting the yawns is because i think you are a wind up merchant and i wont bite, either that or you are a manic depressant. Having said that, i will say this and i think im speaking for quiet a few people on here People are sick to death of YOU going on about the same thing constantly, but now it has come to a point were YOU have started hijacking other threads to bark on about the same thing constantly. Now i agree with a lot about what you say ie the state of the club, groung redevelopment, were are we going to be in 15 years etc but there is good things about this club aswell as bad. This thread you have hijacked here is about Norwich and travelling next season so why come out with your crap on here? I havent checked but i dont think you have commented on Ryan Brookes goal on the Walsall goals thread - you know a 17 year old scoring on his debut, thats a good thing isnt it? Its not all bad and you need to give your head a shake CJ. If all you want to do is moan then why dont you have your own personal thread, were if anyone is feeling a bit peed off they can come and have a chat to you. ps as i said i agree with a lot that you say but harping on about it constantly makes you look a bit foolish when there is good things happening
  11. Decent highlights Has a star been born? http://www.football.virginmedia.com/page/F...,,12555,00.html
  12. You have fell for the worst attempted wind up in OWTB history (same as me)
  13. Looking at that record a 20 game a season Pawel Abbott will score more than the strikers we already have. Its about keeping him fit isnt it, offer him a one year with an option of another depending on appearancies - jobs a gud un
  14. Abbotts record speaks for itself. Quite impressive if you ask me. PRESTON 2002/03 Starts 7 Goals 3 BURY 2002/03 Starts 19 Goals 6 PRESTON 2003/04 Starts 2 Goals 2 HUDDERSFIELD 2003/04 Starts 13 Goals 5 HUDDERSFIELD 2004/05 Starts 38 Goals 27 HUDDERSFIELD 2005/06 Starts 30 Goals 14 HUDDERSFIELD 2006/07 Starts 9 Goals 5 SWANSEA 2006/07 Starts 9 Goals 1 DARLINGTON 2007/08 Starts 19 Goals 9 DARLINGTON 2008/09 Starts 15 Goals 8 I dont know if it has been updated after Saturdays games, if it hasnt his record this season is Starts 16 Goals 10 SIGN HIM UP!!!
  15. Abbotts record speaks for itself. Quite impressive if you ask me. PRESTON 2002/03 Starts 7 Goals 3 BURY 2002/03 Starts 19 Goals 6 PRESTON 2003/04 Starts 2 Goals 2 HUDDERSFIELD 2003/04 Starts 13 Goals 5 HUDDERSFIELD 2004/05 Starts 38 Goals 27 HUDDERSFIELD 2005/06 Starts 30 Goals 14 HUDDERSFIELD 2006/07 Starts 9 Goals 5 SWANSEA 2006/07 Starts 9 Goals 1 DARLINGTON 2007/08 Starts 19 Goals 9 DARLINGTON 2008/09 Starts 15 Goals 8 I dont know if it has been updated after Saturdays games, if it hasnt his record this season is Starts 16 Goals 10 SIGN HIM UP!!!
  16. Not including the play off teams there are only 6 teams north of Walsall next season We should strike a sponsorship up with service stations
  17. Thats right even most city fans i talk to are not aware of the 20% - very strange
  18. Hull this Hull that and he cant even be arsed getting out of bed
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