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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. Wots all that about Bob Anyhow told y'all I was a Time Lord. Last night I flicked that programme on BBC2 on, about hurricanes, didn't realise they got so far north that they've hit New York in the past. So one minute I'm watching that, the next Neil bloomin Warnock is gurning on the screen in front of me. Somehow I had travelled an hour forward in time, still not sure how it happened
  2. Well I voted Chris Ha........ nah Warne, has to be.
  3. So listening to Terry Christian this morning on the way in and they were talking about comics, as in Spiderman etc. They palyed that old theme tune to the Spiderman cartoon, TC said ha it was alright but they nicked the storylines from "Rocket Robin Hood". WOW RRH, I've mentioned that to other people over the years and nobody recalls it, yet here's TerryfrickinChritian mentioning it in an off the cuff way like everybody knows it. Me and me cousin watched it all the time. It was on every Sunday, and we always used to go to me Grans in Wythenshawe on a Sunday, so it must have been late 60's early 70's, I', sure it was on before the Kick Off Match. I might have mentioned it on the original LT, anyway search prompted and hell fire... and Even cheesier clip Can't believe how much we used to like that, I shall send that to me cousin but she'll probably deny all knowledge of wanting to be Rocket Maid Marion. Her older bother was the Sheriff, well he had to be he had one of them guns what fired ping pong balls :lol: :lol:
  4. Are they all going in the veterinary service then? Specialising in bovine diarrhoea?? Well done chaps.
  5. No way would you get me down thur at night, and in point of fact it would take quite a bit to get me down and on a packed tube train/station/platform during normal operating times too.
  6. What, and you with that repetative strain injury to your wrist LL, good work Watched a programme last night I'd recorded off the History Channel, about ghosts and so forth on the London underground. Wouldn't want to work down there, and in particular can't imagine that job as a tunnel walker. Where folks walk in the wee samll hours along the tracks from station to station to make a visual check on everything, with just a torch for company, gulp.
  7. Mind it had slipped mine that I said I'd do you copies of Midlake too IM, I will, Jason Lee of "My Name Is Earl " is a fan, which is recommendation on its own. Ok Jimi I'll take a copy whatever it is, glad you like the Midlake. Nah then LL "how rude" on soooooooooooo many levels, cheating, vulgar, shameless
  8. Do you know I think the conversation on here is gettin a bit turgid of late. Now then I saw this, and I thought why not Quick edit to remove sweary, sorry chaps
  9. Can I just say I thought it was Roger Palmer Marijuana nah nah nah nah nah nahhhhhhhhhh errrrrr thats it Hmmmmmmmm has the new away kit been decided finally yet?
  10. The very cheek of it, moderators abusing their powers
  11. I started going in '76 with me mate and his dad, when Frizz was sacked me mates Dad said he was through, done with Latics and would never, ever, go again. Well he kept his word until the mid 90's when he went a couple of times but only to sit with a friend of his in the away section! Saw him in the Chaddy, last season and thats the first time he's been back properly to watch Latics. Nowt like bearin a grudge eh Did you miss a "what" out there Mr J. Hurrraaaaaahhh I got to pick you up on something
  12. Sad news Mr Beard, things like that are never easy to hear and always knock you sideways, however you know somebody.
  13. Certain there's some stuff at home, I'll look tonight if nothing else has appeared, there are some good ones I think in his Testimonial match programme.
  14. Hope you got yerself a hefty finders fee IM
  15. Or indeed Sheffield United in December '77, in the pic below the Chaddy looks calm, despite the fact it was half full of Blades who'd charged accross the pitch to take the Chaddy 15 minutes before kick off. I observed this from my lofty position in the Main stand section nearest the Chaddy. It was quite good that game cos most of the Chaddy piled into the paddock below and therefore we actually got some singing in the Main stand. And here's me against Notts C a few games earlier wishing somebody would sing
  16. Don't you mean the never to be remembered ???? Moving on Gary Kellys disco pants are the best They go .................. Nah perhaps not
  17. F***in die F***in die You come all the way to Oldham and yer gonna F***in die Aye perhaps not "Where's yer 'andbag Julie-ann" coupled with loads of high piched Julie-ann whooooooooo Julie-ann's from the Chaddy is a classic
  18. O - L - D - H - A - M Oldham boys are 'ere again Nahnahnahnahnahnahnah
  19. Isn't it ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh you're sheet arrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhh For a while there was one when the goalie took a goal kick, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh twwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwAD, at which point people would randomly shout t**t
  20. SW it was an intrinsic part of the long thread on JK that smut reared its ugly head from time to time, bit like a bad carry on film really. Anyway Mrs G you're a fine one to show your face around here, what with your Papal carnal desires and all that
  21. Hmmmmmmmm I followed some tool up Middleton Road the other day, never got above 25, and the fricker slowed down at the speed camera too, arrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Talking of Middleton, anybody notice the splendid Grade 1 listed Parish Church in the final episode. The tower dates from c1400, and there's a smashing stained gl..... whoops apologies there folks switched into Time Team mode, sorry didn't mean to come all over Tony Robinson. Smut, just what this threads been missing
  22. Nah, but still struggling thur Mr Exile
  23. No still struggling there exile
  24. And what if I don't want it on me leg
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