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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. Well at least they aint dumping you on your birthday DW. Great pictures aren't they. There are a few books avaiable too, looking at them on a screen is good, but as nature intended is better Also some of the ground panoramas are in "huge" format at Ambleside although it looks like they changed the format a bit this year and its not all free but will still be worth a peek . opening times At the risk of talking footie, been to Springfield 3 times, twice with Latics, which includes the Starbuck "Its just like watching Breeze Hill" game and once with a Bury supporting mate to watch the mighty Shakers, when ther must ahve been all of 1200 on the ground for and end of season affair if I recall correctly.
  2. There are some more fantastic pictures of old ground/stands and the like at this site. Stuart Clarkes work is brilliant, I've linked it many times but a visit to the place in Ambleside is well worth it. One of my favourite pictures is the one on this link. Picture on the left in this link ... Port Vale ... its in one of his books with a bit more detail about the circumstances behind it, and brought a lump to my throat. I think the family of the man, who knew nothing about it saw it one day and wrote to Stuart Clarke to tell him the subsequent background and were proud that his passion for Vale had been immortalised. Lots of smashing photo's
  3. Quality, Rummy MrJ and Oa, but Mads wins by a country mile
  4. Crisp butties, on bread I think, and one slice at a time. Fill half with crisps and fold over, with Walkers S&G mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Jam, strawberry every time. Toast, not as extreme as you IM, or as interestingly as you LL, toasted just short of the carbon moment, then just wap the butter on and eat, or even better cut up into soldiers and have with a couple of boiled eggs, yokes runny mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Marmalade isn't the best, although I had some grapefruit marmalade once that was quite nice. Oh and IM we were discussing parking and all that at Crewe, if you haven't seen it this is always a useful site Ground Guide If you go into Hudds there is a link to Leeds Road which also gives you a link to other ground and stands long gone.
  5. Cue for somebody to either a/ put "I win"..... yawn.... again or b/ tell you to lighten up.... double yawn or c/ something totally out of left field just to be a smart aris... can't be arsed yawning Either that or Jimi T will post
  6. Ohhhhhh SW that contact lens picture gives me the creeps, hate stuff to do with eyes. Can watch stuff on the telly about operations no problem but when they start messing with eyes no way. My Dad had cataracts, hes had both eyes done and can see miles better now, no way will I let him explain what they did though
  7. Game set and match to Stevie J methinks
  8. Very apt SW Mods can we change the title of this thread, or ratehr add a sub heading The Last Person To Post Wins, This Excludes.... Witty types who post "I win" "Have I won" " No I have" etc etc etc Just a thought
  9. D'oh Oh and just had a listen, sounds good to me.
  10. Yes, oh sheet, so sorry, mailed you back I am a moron. Don't fancy contacts meself, besides I only need me gigs fer fottie and the like really, makes the far end of the pitch sharper, never really wear them any other time.
  11. No I mean gigs, don't you frickin well start it was bad enough wi LaticNik. Since I was old enough to remember anything specs have always been refered to as gigs in my family. Me Ma has 6 brothers and sisters, they orignate from the Cheetham area of M/c and have nowt to do wi Yorkies (gigs is listed on wikipedia as Yorkie slang for glasses), me Gran born around 1910 refered to them as such , so as far as I'm concerned they are gigs and if you don't like it, TOUGH :lol: :lol:
  12. Like I said IM I was thur all h/t, Mrs S and former JK'er DaveWit are my witnesses, put yer gigs on next time I'd like to oblige LL, but alas I am not a time lord. Last night I awoke at 2.11, did a double take on the clock and went for a piddle. As an aside is it just me, had a couple of baked spuds for tea they always seem to make me pish like mad, are potatoes a dir,dyur, dire, one of them thing that make you pee? Anyways got back in bed, did another double take 2.13. Randomly woke up again later and its 1.58, 'kin 'ell its happened again, I shut me eyes and dozed off. When I came around again it said 11.08, huh?????, looked at me watch it was just after 6, so its me alarm clock thats knacked. Bugger I've been soooooooooo looking forward to getting me hands on one of them sonic screwdrivers
  13. Oh ok bonkers it is then (despite what Mr J says) and not neccessarily the football itself, now referees many more useless mofo's like him yesterday and I will be in a stright jacket. SW yes I'm sure it was't If we're ranting, people who take for ever to turn left or for that matter right off a main road. Behind one of them stupid farty Smart cars this morning, he took longer to hang a simple left than a fully laden 40ft trailer would have to turn off the main road and there are soooooooooooooo many blends like that on the road its not true. Oh and I also saw a young John McEnroe on my way back to the office, and I am serious, spitting image. Edit -- I edited this already but it all went haywire and I googled that bloke Langford and accidently forgot to mention him
  14. No I am a sea devil but seriously I am a time lord or I am going bonkers I woke up at 2.30 for no apparent reason, clearly saw the clock display (I have an alarm clock that tracks the GMT signal so even if there is a power cut it resets itself). I woke up again at 3.01, this time I thought I go to the kharzie, so go get back in bed and doze off. When I wake again I'm still facing the clock and its 2.38, eh, which means I can a) travel in time, b)dreamt that I went to the pot or c) dreamt I woke up. My money is on time lord if I had a stethoscope I could check how many hearts I got
  15. Or a pillock with a knife?? I don't think its that people don't care it just that there are so many bellends these days, you ask folks if they are ok and you get a torrent of abuse and threats, I know what you are saying, but I can also see why people don't stop, although I do think people are more likely to stop and help if its obvious the person they are helping isn't pished as a fart. To change the subject totally it appears I am a time lord, although I don't have a Tardis, but I'll come back to this subject.
  16. Just adding my congrats too HS. Oh and seconding that recomendation by IM
  17. I'm bored it occupied me for a bit anyway, well more than a bit, so I was gonna PM it but I though bogger that its taken too long I need to show it off. Right gonna find meself summat to do.
  18. Its not actually technically late, they said 7/10 working days, which would be next Friday at the latest, it just they got my hopes up by saying it was on a delivery they were due this morning, but for this morning now read Tuesday.
  19. How about tangerine with a blue pic etc and 11 on the back, like this, don't laugh it taken me ages
  20. Nah I type ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr but seldom actually get gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr its not gonna change owt
  21. Thanks Can you keep me suppliers on thems toes too? Just about to set off for an order that was positivly definetly avaiable for collection today, only it isn't ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Be Tuesday now ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Think I'll make an eary start on the Easter break
  22. Got to agree, not keen on the white or the legend on the back, sorry. Edit oh and maybe just GROVES, dunno why maybe its a bit like Chrissy instead of Chris.
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