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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. Didn't see any Hells Angels, just a bunch of f'kin idiots. Church ?????? Watched it last night, the thing that really got me was when the little lad (7) got hit by a carton of drink and his Mom said what morons would do that to a child and I just thought well look w you're doing, to your own flamin' child. It was quite amazing everytime Louis asked a pertinant question they just said he was silly/dumb or didn't understand. Praise the lord.
  2. You sure it were Kiora?? Surely it was simply chemical waste that was orange in colour with half a bag of sugar mixed into it, a by product and lucrative sideline for the CarcinogensRus plant in Trafford Park? Oh and yes to the waggon wheel/curlywurly/crisps/mars bar/creme egg shrinkage theories, but the real shame for me, and quite frankly I think it needs its own discussion was when they stopped putting the cardboard trays in Bounty bars. F'k me that confused me Exile
  3. Its the actual quality of the photo, not so good and then printed poorly too. There are a few like that, but they aint very "exciting" I've tried to look for something in them people can comment on, like Gene or Toyah or whatever, ta anyway. fair enough Mr Museum
  4. Going back to snorting ashes. In that "Wedding Belles" thingy that was on last week on C4 one of the "belles" was so desperate for a fix she snorted some powder out of a box at her dealers flat when he left the room, turned out to be the ashes of his dead dog that he couldn't be parted from, ho hum made me laugh anyway Oh and Keith Richards is a nob anyway doesn't matter what he's done
  5. I haven't scanned them all, some of the print quality in the originals isn't so good so I reckon it won't improve any. I just done a few that jumped out, like this one of Gene. Anyway go on give us a clue match/year/oppo ??
  6. Just for that I'm gonna say yer a coke slurpin melon farmer
  7. 30th DW? Will they put candles on your P45? Not seen that Louis T thing, recorded it mind, always watch Loius T's stuff. There was an article in the little media magazine that comes with the Guardian on saturday, couldn't believe that about the soldiers funerals. I know it takes all sorts to make a world and all that but........... And what would I have said Mads? Wtf went on with this MB yesterday? All sounds very strange, anybody able to enlighten. Oh have I won????????? Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn First person to post "no" is a sad melon farmer.
  8. G that is germolene, still could be worse could be germaloids
  9. Receptionists at surgeries everywhere are tools. The ones are ours are right frickin know alls that know nowt. Its been ages since I went fortunately but they ain’t half messed me Ma & Pa about of late. Arsewipes one and all. Anyway I'm trying that HRT at the mo, hops replacement therapy, I can get six tins of it for a fiver at Bargain Booze
  10. Catweazle, forgotten totally about that, quality Bob
  11. You must have a f'kin big cabinet then Things that really pish you off part 227 Go to bed, zonk out then wake at 3am for no obvious reason (ie not pished bed, not wanting to go to bog, no strange noises outside/downstairs, no bad dreams) spend and hour, ahem, tossing and turning (stop it you know what I mean!) although still very tired not able to go back to sleep. Lying looking at clock, its 4.05 next time you look its 5.48 and although you have been back in the land of nod you've been dreaming that you're awake and can't get back to sleep for nearly 2 hours, and so feel totally disorientated, or in my case more disorientated than usuual, I hate it when that happens, or is it just me.
  12. Grab a seat in MS lower then. Always sit there when I get chance to watch the reserves, the leg room is good, I have the same problem and so is the view.
  13. Not bad that Mr Corney You should have known however that Oldham has a nice selection of miserable tubes who'd rather moan about it than take it for what it was.
  14. Oh come on I think this topic is getting silly now time to Leia it to rest methinks
  15. Hmmmmmmmmmm why would Ashley Giles need one of these to get a wicket.
  16. A couple of older old timers have told me that too Mr J.
  17. Hate!! Despise!! Let it go people, trust me, let it all go, who cares, some them in red are no better and no worse than fans of all the big clubs and if you are even handed in these matters don't give a toss about them either. You're Latics fans, isn't that enough? Let it go you'll feel better for it. Karma innit
  18. No not me Mr Nut, Chaddy End yes front right corner no Main Stander Mr Beard, how very dare you ! Sat there, as in that signature pic I did from 76 to 80 thats all, Chaddy End since.
  19. Right first off I don't hate anybody in this kind of context. Hate is a strong word isn't it? The Nazi's hated the Jews, the infirm, Romanys and so on, thats hate isn't it? Anyway I get what you mean, I'd say I dislike some manyounighted fans, but then no more or less than supporters of all the big clubs, some of the liverpool fans for example were exactly the same in the 70's and 80's. I just think that if they want to be gobshe-ites, let 'em why should I worry or let it get to me? When did I cease to care one way or another about them, in the same way I couldn't care less what arsenal, chelsea or any of them "big" clubs do? Well towards the end of 1998/99 season we were struggling big time, looked like dropping. We were losing and a "we hate manyou" chant went up, and I thought yeah that makes everything better, we're being embarrassingly crap and all you can think of singing is that, which is an embarrassment. Later Mrs S said to me who cares what manyou do, its about us, so we made if you will a pact with the devil. They can win whatever this season, who cares as long as we survive. The rest is history, and we did, and they won 3?? cups. I was responsible for them winning the European Cup, cos when Bayern scored I celebrated, my better half did say I'd regret breaking my promise, and I did with seconds to go! So thats it I don't hate, just couldn't care less about 'em.
  20. Before Monkey there was The Water Margin, oh yes Water Margin
  21. Hmmmmmmmmmm I don't have Sky broadband and I simply never buy a ticket for the Dutch lottery Now I should win a prize for being sad enough to look that up !
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