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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm can I take it you don't like fool then LL, oh that sounds like a dodgy question doesn't it, well I'm sorry but I'm not calling him Richard, fool is far more suited ! Anyway this was in the Guradian editorial a few weeks back and I thought it was quite apt, a perfect phrase for Branson is included, imo like fool Branson But if we're talking real loathing, there is only one, Margaret evil vile vicious bitch Thatcher, I loath detest and despise that cow with everything I have.
  2. TBH Rummy I've never actually had a problem with an Ntl engineer once they arrive, we've had a few visits over the years we have been with Ntl since it was Cable & Wireless and had the old analogue box. It always been the customer service thats a pain, if you do go for disconnection I can PM you a number which takes you through to the service centre in Sheffield, I think I also still have the extension number for the bloke who sorted us out, who was so unlike the usual Ntl employee it wasn't true. As an aside I have Ntl business at work, when you ring that customer service it always get answered quickly and thus far, sorted efficiently. I quizzed the bloke above about this he simply said its cos Ntl run it as a seperate business and put more resources into it.
  3. Well coming from the same poster who was slagging off Shez 4 or 5 games in saying we'd do nowt with him in charge, what can y'all expect. Quality judgement
  4. A question thats been asked many times and for me still only one answer, I'd go and watch Chadderton FC, especially now they have plans for a shiny new stand and facilities, oh yes they do I've seen 'em, done by a proper architectural firm and everything. Mind as we aint going any where it'll be easier to get to Broadway to watch the ressies than it will Stalybridge!
  5. Think I said last week we changed to Sky. We were piddled off with he way they handled the Skyone thing, it was impossible to get a straight answer from them, on the sunday before they switched off a few minutes into 24 it went off and stayed off until 15 minutes into Lost. All other channels and BB were working, customer service said it must be an area fault, aye that only affected Skyone!! Spoke to a decent bloke in disconnections, after waiting with that crab tune for nearly an hour. He was formerly of Telewest and said he couldn't believe how bad some of the Ntl lot were. In the end we ditched the telly package, we had the movies/sports pack but he put it through so its cost us nowt and kept the phone and BB. We've ended up with a modem and 2mb BB, line rental with free calls 24/7 to UK landlines for 19.95. To be fair the guy though it was a massive mistake do what Virgin did. Anyway imo the picture quality is better on Sky, but then we had a dodgy Ntl box down the street, we had problems before Christmas which were because it when it rained water was getting in and interfering with the signal. Branson is a whiney little sod anyway, everytime he buys into something he comes accross as the peoples friend/champion, which he isn't in any way shape or form.
  6. Can do a proper one now. Got an Nokia N73 phone fer nowt from Orange, and its got a player. Only downloaded about 60 tracks to the memory so far but.... Are You A Hypnotist - Flaming Lips Bohemian Like You - Dandy Warhols Saddest Vacant Lot In All The World - Grandaddy Wonderful - Ella Guru Harder They Come - Jimmy Cliff
  7. Live and let lie I say. Ok ok so its a six word pointless comment, but still better than just two.
  8. I did an article for JK about 6 or 7 years ago called Bobbins Away Games, it was in BTB at some stage too, it featured this bit....... We were stood in front of a barrier and they were quite wide, I can remember a Latics fan climbing up on one and jumping off onto a Carlisle fans head. Never been my thing all that carry on, all I did was make sure MrsS didn't get a stray whack, her Dad would have killed me! There was another Younighted game, a friendly (HA!) be about 82 or 83, around January time, Wayne Harrison scored for us. Flip me just managed to get on the 412 as it all kicked off, the driver plop'd his pants and shut the doors, I was half of the bottom step, half on the top with me should trapped between the closed doors, but that was preferable to being on the outside
  9. I thought in Dabo we already bought one, ohhhhhhhhhhh sorry Brick, whoops my mistake.
  10. Could be MrP, not sure, thought it was earlier than that, don't recall it being so close to the pinch me season! If it wasn't I just looked on S.base it would be in '83, played them twice in that year, different seasons. I have it in me mind it was one of them cos manyou were at home on both occasions we were and I seem to remember thinking what a sad bunch of toshpots they were turning up at BP instead of going to the trafford arena, so who knew.
  11. This thread even in its pale imitation form doesn't need lightening your reverence! Especially not with inanne pointless two word posts moving it on you'll not find any of the original long threaders doing th...... :lol:
  12. I've mentioned this before, and can't remember if anybody replied so does anybody recall a game against Chelsea in the 80's when a load of manyounighted turned up in the belief that they could join up with Latics and get at Chelsea. They came in the Chaddy and grouped up on the CP side, started moving accross the back signing "we hate Chelsea and we hate Chelsea" or summat like that, when they got to half way all hell broke loose at the Chaddy charged at 'em witha "we hate manyou and we hate manyou", I was about 2 or 3 barriers up from the front behind the goal and looking around it was like one of them cartoons where theres a fight and all you can see is a huge dust ball with arms and legs flailing out of it. Eventually Barry 666 and his mates restored some order and hoyed the mancs out, of the ground and town, I think. I looked at the Chelsea fans on the RRE and you could see them pointing, probably all going :sign0094:
  13. Sorry for being rude and all that, but is there a point to that?
  14. If I may I'll join you. T'other day I reserved with a supplier some product, the reserve lasted for 2 weeks, today 4 days later I go to order it only to find that some sneaky toilet brush has cancelled my reserved order and sold it. Fortunatly I reserved it, as I always do so I'm sure its done with the bloke who runs the show and I've known for ages, he even went o the warehouse to double check it was there for me (he's old school, doesn't trust pooters) however he's been out of the office for two days, my order is now on the way to the USof frickin A, the culprit, who didn't even have the courtesy to ring me and ask if the reserve could be broken as is usual practice, has no escape from a utter bollocking, in fact its a damn good job there's 200 hundred miles keeping us apart at the moment. Trouble is it makes me look like a total c u next tuesday with my customers, even more than normal . Oh and if it makes you feel better G, just tell them, the flipping sales people, that you are registered with the Telephone Preference Service and that you do not accept unsolicited calls of any nature, you'll get the odd cocky tosspot but generally they just put the phone down Toilet brush, toilet brush, can't we even say tw.. on this thread now, wow!
  15. Very, think the general diversification supplied by the Taproom as a hole has somewhat diluted this thread, plus for us old long threaders from JK lots of things have already been said. :sad:
  16. Never mind get your coat, you can pack your chuffin bags after that one Mr J
  17. I knew some LUNA-TIC would have to post a smart remark. Eh eh eh LUNA......TIC, eh eh y'avin that. Oh please yerselves. Or put another way here's Luna the Roman goddess
  18. Latics were way ahead in the scratch card market. 3 chances to win for just 25p
  19. Well this has kinda come to a hiatus, hell fire how about that, moving it along and a word of the day too.
  20. I'm sure he did a cheeky badge kiss as he ran along in front of the Chaddy. Also and I hope this isn't a moment, but did anyone else notice Chris Taylors header was going wide, but when it bounced it curled in , dunno if it was the spin or the pitch, thats what caused Sullivans flap into the post/side netting
  21. StipeTripe


    People who go in supermarket bogs and leave to contiue shopping without washing hands, durtyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyb'stards.
  22. But IM you cannae beat a cheap laff, and they don't come much cheaper than AYBS Ben Elton is, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm how can I get around the MB police, the full "see you next tuesday" and no mistook. Mind I saw him years ago when he was funny, he was a "surprise" guest with the "Dangerous Brothers", did a half hour set where I swear he didn't break for breath, but very funny (this was before books, musicals etc etc).
  23. Changing the subject totally. Jusr heard the sad news about John Inman, however they played a clip from AYBS, he's trying to explain over the phone to a customer how to measure himself for new trousers, you can't hear the customer. It goes something like, "now grip it between your thumb and forefinger" esasperated sigh "no the tape measure sir". Well it made me laugh anyway.
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