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Everything posted by StipeTripe

  1. Hang on Mr Exile you said you were the same age as me, well in a weeks time anyway, so how you be 12 in 1974????
  2. Now on the fishul site, so I reckon your find is official a scoop for OWTB Mr Exile ;) And from what I can see not mentioned on JK, which is good cos I do hate repetition
  3. No ahem as in I started 1/2/07. Just read that book about Linda Smiths career. This made me chuckle. She's talking about kids and their increasing preponderance towards allergies and the like. You know such a body can't have a biscuit cos they are wheat intolerant, somebody else can't have milk they are allergic and so on and so on. She then asks us to recollect when we were at Junior school (she was I believe a touch older than G IM and me) when classes were of a standard format. One asthmatic, one very chubby, several pairs of glasses and one that always smelt of wee, and its true isn't it?
  4. Is this you btw LL, is this why we should fear you, lighting yer own farts, ohhhhhh scary! Well my non lent non beerage has gone reasonably well, only 3 lapses in 22 days, the plan is not to lapse again until the 2nd March, or else this will happen When I found that one I also found a good one for BB80 and another from when he's deep in the JK trenches defending the site from webscrotes
  5. Well as they read these here boards I suggest them make an official statement or if they prefer set ask Rummy to set up a "PinkLatics" forum on this site ;)
  6. :laugh4: :laugh4: :laugh4: :laugh4: Thats quality, love it when Simon pulls a strip off, but slowly Not sure about the bit at the end
  7. StipeTripe

    Sin Bins

    I know where you're coming from, but what I'm getting at is that Les wi a red card, or Les in the sin bin we're still punished incorrectly and therefore the decision would still be controversial, and Vale still have that extra goal (assuming they don't miss the pen). Dunno what the answer is, but I don't think its sin bins and/or replays, football isn't the kind of game, imho, you can apply these things to. All we'd get is the same amount of controversy, just "different" controversy than now.
  8. StipeTripe

    Sin Bins

    I agree with that Mr J, but if you put it like that to FIFA I'm sure they'd be falling over themselves to Americanise us !! Oh and another thing with sin bins, last night if the bin had been used as some have said to access Pogs sending off surely they'd have to stop the game ? Oh and surely if it were just a sin bin it would only feul controvesy in exactly the same way as sending offs do already. Say Les went off for 10 mins last night, and Vale scored the penalty, and then another and its later realised the sin bining was wrong? Doesn't solve owt really?
  9. We might fear you more if you got the hang of the quote thingy oh evil one
  10. Alright for some innit That nerve centre post by Rummy reminded me of work back then, how everybody stood around and marvled for the demonstation of the new fax machine, That took about 10 minutes to send a single sheet Then we got a new telex machine. It had a little 10" green screen, and you could "talk" if somebody was actually at the other end, typing messages back and forth, the white heat of technology eh.
  11. Do you reckon the bloke emerging from behind circled bloke is him from FITC 3 ?? And look this time Sipowitz is there Oh and to the left of circled man is a chap who looks like that English Actor, been in things on the telly, northern bloke I think.....
  12. I seem to recall going somewhere with Latics and a lad drank a bottle of fresh orange, the sort you used to get in a milk bottle, and then regurgitated it all, it was on an empty stomach so it came back as slightly warmer orange juice
  13. Is it appropriate that as we discuss such weighty theological matters you get post number 666 LL ? Oh dear sturday was't quite what I had in mind for turning the little fella away from the dark side, we'd only just gotten into the second half and he wanted to go home! Worse was to follow, we met up with his Dad, brother and me Ma after match for eats, he went white as a sheet and looked really bad, though he was gonna do some Exorcist style projectile vomiting, but no. So Latics can damage your health, and I've let it damage a six year olds, oh the shame
  14. Errrrrrr well Barratt Homes. Sherlock Ho..............
  15. Is that the private detective agency he took over, the one his great great great grandfather Sherlock set up ?
  16. Looks better with the smileys tho' Just look at the web site, that sheeps giving any passing Yorkies the come on Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  17. He was never much quicker than a Grandad anyway
  18. Spotted at Hurst Cross several years back Any more? Mads hows about that eh, dial a cake
  19. Cos it was funny, is coily thing the full technical description??? ;) ;) ;) Anyhow got me Sis and nephew to go tomorrow for their second game this season, another step in keeping him away from the evil red curse I hope. The fact we are top is helping too(well he is only 6).
  20. I shall treat such contemptable comments about Marley with the disdain they deserve. Have I missed something, are we on a sweary filter now, thought that wasn't on the agenda, not that it matters just thout I'd ask.
  21. Hmmmm how is it possible to get angered by a song, mildly irritated maybe As an aside I used to work with one of Kajagoogoo's mum. As for having a pop at Mr Blunt, how clichéd has that become. Bit like The Style Council "weren't they rubbish what was Weller thinking", well ferk that there are some fantastic tunes in their back catalogue. Tbh honest I really think its pointless and childish getting angered by owt musically, unless its that blinking troubled dipstick diva WhitneyFlipingHouston, her that sings way too many notes in every sodding song she does, and not always in the right order, less is more Whitney, freak.
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