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Posts posted by Matt


    There wasn't "a bloke employed by the Football Association - at the very top of team management - who is offering advice on how to circumvent its very own rules". Had there been I'd agree with you that the reporting was justified. It would have been "investigative journalism" as they'd been tipped off there was something to investigate.


    There wasn't anything to investigate, they've dreamt up and created two situations where Allardyce & Wright have SUBSEQUENTLY stupidly dropped themselves in it.


    I don't dispute they deserve everything they get but I don't get how so many are so comfortable with this type of journalism.

    That said Allardyce is a wealthy man and will be absolutely fine.

    But it might well be life changing for Wright. I'm uncomfortable with that if he's never been involved in this kind of thing before. If he has though, he deserves what he gets...

    What next - entrapping the next Adam Johnson? Where do you draw a line?


    It was a ten-month investigation, and the series of interviews were the culmination of those efforts. For me, this is a perfect example of investigative journalism. This wasn't some one-off fishing trip.


    Don't forget that the common denominator is McGarvey.


    I've got no sympathy for him either. Even if this is the only time he's ever "done" something like this. The little nothings they've filmed him saying and his apparent nervousness suggest it might be.


    But if the Telegraph tried something similar to this with 10 people from any walk of life 3 of them would probably stupidly take the bait (and the money).


    No mention that I've seen that they were tipped off that Wright or Hasselbaink were at it.

    How is this journalism? They're creating news & scandal rather than simply reporting on it.


    Have you seen that series of The Wire where the journo makes up his stories - how is this different?


    It's not telly - and the Telegraph didn't do a similar exercise with ten people from any walk of life - it's irrelevant. The reporting is justified on the basis that there's a bloke employed by the Football Association - at the very top of team management - who is offering advice on how to circumvent its very own rules. Is it not in the public interest? Clearly it doesn't stop with this idiot either - Gill had sufficient leave of his senses to employ him.

  3. If the telegraph hadn't set him up would it have ever happened?


    One of life's great philosophical quandaries.


    In the circumstances of Allardyce, he knew the rules - it went through at least one exploratory meeting and he had many opportunities to back out of it. He was willing to go through with the deals. This man is at the top of the chain in English football, the top job - pinnacle of English football's excellence (even if you agree with that description or his appointment or not - it's the truth) - he knew better, and with all the warning signs in place - he still went for it.

  4. They've had a field day over it, have r/gaming. But then that's not unusual it's a pretty hot-headed place at the best of times!


    Meanwhile, and technically on a tangent, I've just got Betrayal At The House On The Hill (boardgame) which is proving to be a lot of fun (with a lot of rules) so far...


    I remember the circlejerk with Destiny, r/gaming reads like it's full of 14-17 year-olds and Bungie must have read the lot as they bent over big time to accommodate their 'community'. It became a mess run by kids.


    Love boardgames, favourites are Forbidden Island, Pathfinder ACG, D-Day Dice, Shoot Out Ice Hockey (which is more a dice and chart game), and Pandemic. I don't have a lot of opportunity for group play so I generally play co-ops or solitaire games, but I'm trying to get my eldest into Pathfinder - he likes RNG loot games/roguelikes.


    I have a lot of online resources for boardgames, I'll pass them on if you want.

  5. Succumbed to No Man's Sky. I'm enjoying it so far, I like the open endedness and not having to save the girl and kill the baddies.


    Glad you're enjoying it - the premise was astounding, the delivered product less so. There's been a lot of activity in r/gaming regarding Steam refunding players, I suppose providing a game with no missions, growth as a character, or a story means people get bored pretty easy. What little objectives there are leave the player underwhelmed.


    Ending spoiler.

    I've seen the ending, bit of a kick in the bollocks to be fair - the whole game resets after the birth of another galaxy.


  6. There is more slavery in black, arab and asian nations than anywhere now.


    We'll ignore human trafficking across Europe and the Americas.


    Whether we agree with his take on history or not, he has a choice and has given a principled stance, challenging the honour. Incidentally, I believe we should have civic awards and honours that aren't connected to the 'Empire' - it's all a bit stuffy, dated, and Faragesque.

  7. Quote from an FCUM-supporting mate...



    He's correct. His raking diagonals are a joy to behold, very comfortable on the ball - a class above in the Evostik Prem and deserved to step up again to prove himself. Season or so later he came back and played for the Spirites at BP in the FA Cup, again, played very well albeit against a Conference North side that was in disarray at the time. I haven't seen him regularly at L1 level enough to say that's where he belongs, I'd have him back in a flash.

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