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Posts posted by Matt

  1. It sounds like a crock of :censored:e!

    All For One bar one then!


    Seriously shaky guitar with cobbled together lyrics. Classic Stone Roses - all of their tracks are like that. Their first works hit at peak Manchester, it's just that in 1989 we'd listen to the likes of Northern Uproar and Northside just because it was in scene.


    I love Roses, but in the cold light of day - this is what they are.

  2. 100+ year's of a proud club's history at Upton Park ended with a wank firework display to the backdrop of Rudimental and Ben Shephard on the microphone.


    ....whilst being kept in your seat - and don't forget the Sky montage of the clubs' history since football began in 1992. It's enough to make you go out looking for a banning order.


    To quote somebody else - Millwall will be pissing themselves. When they moved they set fire to everything & hospitalised coppers.

  3. Shame to hear a few young lads singing about Munich and Hillsborough on the way down to the youth game tonight

    I've just read my messages and I blame myself for not being around as much these days to help with the moderation, what with starting up a new business and lots of other stuff going on. This is not the Pine Villains, and not OWTB - and the account has been suspended.


    What Andy witnessed and said above is the next fight for us all - remove the hatred from football.


    The Government's EU referendum leaflet: what we know so far
    Next week every household in the country will receive a leaflet from the government setting out its case for why it thinks the UK should remain an EU member.
    We’ve picked out a few of the claims made in the leaflet for a brief round-up of what we know about them so far.
    We’ll be checking more claims from this leaflet and from the leaflet produced by Vote Leave in the coming days.




  5. Every now and then we post the biggest issues which are not necessarily football related onto the main page, we think this is one of those issues.


    This poll has anonymous voting.





    Full Fact is factchecking the EU referendum.
    Ahead of the vote on 23 June, we have started putting together a collection of impartial answers covering things like the membership fee, EU immigration and the number of laws “made in Brussels”.
    Whichever side you end up on, get the facts.





    The Government's EU referendum leaflet: what we know so far
    Next week every household in the country will receive a leaflet from the government setting out its case for why it thinks the UK should remain an EU member.
    We’ve picked out a few of the claims made in the leaflet for a brief round-up of what we know about them so far.
    We’ll be checking more claims from this leaflet and from the leaflet produced by Vote Leave in the coming days.




  6. bet it went down well in certain parts of oldham.....#afkinpigforfuxsake :laught30:


    According to Dave we're a Christian country - 'Values of the Christian faith are the values on which our nation was built', so y'know - Leviticus 11:7-8, Deuteronomy 14:8 and that.


    As an Atheist I'm first against the wall so to speak, but the flipside is that I can enjoy bacon and eggs. And rabbit.

  7. No thanks pal...i'd sooner stay in the real world...


    When I read or hear people use the term 'political correctness gone mad - it's ruining our country' or similar, I understand it as 'I don't like treating people who are different to me as equals'.

  8. As i have a life, i've only just seen this thread. A dose of reality is required. The chants are not able to be deemed racist. You may.....or may not....... agree with such chants, but using words that are short form for a nationality (however distasteful they may seem to you) does not make someone uttering them a racist. The word 'Paki' apart from being a short form of the word Pakistani, is a word often used by the Pakistani community, such as in 'Paki power'


    Before any of the do-gooders swoon with abhorrence....i personally don't like it....but....it CANNOT be deemed racist without further context. I could go on and on with hundreds of examples but i'll leave you with just one question to consider before you hit the keyboard with your 'defenders of the earth' rhetoric. Most of you will have at some time or other joined in with this one.....


    Should everyone who sings "We all hate Leeds" (and its various other forms) be charged with hate crimes?


    There are way too many PC wankers (pun intended) waiting to jump on the first 'holier than thou' bandwagon on every internet forum in the world. Get a :censored:ing life or grow up, whichever comes first.


    For those who need to know, the vast majority of the Asian population in Rochdale is in fact Bangladeshi, as it is in Oldham


    I've read it twice, and I can't find any reference to the Queen.

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