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Posts posted by Matt


    The continuation of a historical tradition of leaving humorous notes to their successor dating back many years. In 1964 Reginald Maudling, outgoing Tory chancellor in 1964, left a message for his Labour successor, "Sorry old cock, to leave it in this shape,"


    There are other cases of this of 'friends amongst enemies' kind of thing. What was actually wrong was David Laws the incoming Chief Secretary to the Treasury leaking the note which showed the complete lack of historical and political awareness of the Liberal Democrats and the way the right wing press leaped upon the complete non-story.


    Why aren't the press reporting that since 2010 a growing economy has been converted to a shrinking one that has seen more borrowing than under all the previous Labour governments combined which is a far more significant story than a bloody note left in jest.


    As for 'an appeaser like that idiot Corbyn', I disagree with a lot of his political views however 'half of the world is in turmoil' due to the misinformed history ignoring neocon belief that you can bomb your way to peace which has as much credibility as :censored:ing for virginity.


    And as for 'every human being wants to better themselves but Labour want us all to be the same' - Nope, can't disagree with that one, is that really so bad? I'd happily live in a more equal world, something that hasn't been tried since caveman times. Maybe if things were more equal then half the world wouldn't be 'in turmoil'? Just a thought.


    As for McMahon, I left Oldham a long time ago, the Oldham that built a massive swimming pool just short of Olympic length ruling them out of hosting any future student, school, or other competitive swimming event that may have brought a bit of kudos or investment in to the town, a town that shunned its own market whilst being jealous of Bury's. A town that let its cinemas close, turned down Ikea, M&S let the Tubular bandage leave and historically didn't build a post-industrial-decline future for itself. The only time there has been a bit of an upswing has been under McMahon and even that isn't good enough for some people as he hasn't built the equivalent of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or discovered exactly how to turn the over abundance of vitriol and bitterness into gold.


    So good luck to him moving to the festering cesspit of Westminster politics. David Blunkett who had previously done wonders for Sheffield trod a similar path, moving from high office in his city to the national stage and was frustrated by not being able to do more for the town as an MP than council leader, let's hope that McMahon doesn't have a similar tale to tell in 20 years and more importantly that his successor is able to continue on the modest steps he has made and continue the important steps that will improve the town of Oldham for all of its occupants.

    Well written T. I think we have a tendency to believe things even more when our beliefs are challenged, so this makes a change from the usual.

  2. 6 years ago :censored:.. Looking at the old thread made me laugh and bring back memories, myself and rummy sharing a double bed for two nights


    I was sick as :censored: on that Friday, I remember feeling queasy watching the World Cup draw, and then yakking up in Wetherspoons. It got better, I remember us being blind drunk in Norwich airport on the way back in. Good times.

  3. Sorry, sorry, sorry - I couldn't help myself, I know it's getting boring now.


    Barnsley have refused to move their game to the Sunday.


    It transpires that the FA pulled Barnsley out of the Sunday fixture after protest, due to them having a game on Tuesday. As you probably know - Alty complained, they were told to shove it. Alty has lost out on £12500 in this instance.


    Please can anyone explain to me the reasoning behind the FA imposed minimum of£10 per game.

    Seems utterly pointless.


    Initially FC United was going to offer £1 back to the fans at the clubs' expense to keep the adult admission price at £9 - a price which was set by the membership for all matches this season. Yesterday, after negotiations between the two clubs and the FA, the FA have removed the minimum price for this match, and tickets will be sold for £9.



    The FA were well and truly told eh :lol:


    They won't try that again. Not until the next round at least....


    The rules were challenged, and changes were made. Hopefully everybody else can as well.


    Thanks again everyone.

  4. I meant when Mini-United fans tried to rob stuff from the Football League grounds they played at. Didn't they have away with some Stanley Matthews items from Bloomfield? Class, that.


    You are right that several thousand Man United fans all turning up at one non league ground would ruin it, as it would any decent social occasion. If they all went to their nearest though I don't think Trafford or Salford would have been overwhelmed


    Wasn't they stopped by the more mature fans on the day? I didn't think they took anything, and all I know about it was hearsay anyway. Was you there?


    I think you've managed to steer this where you want as you always do, so I'll stop posting or answering questions on this subject - many are getting fed up with it.


    Thanks everyone for the debate.

  5. I struggle with the notion that if they don't boycott the competition next season then they're hypocrites. They and their fans can object to the FA enforced rearrangement of fixtures and pricing whilst still wanting to see their team take part in the FA Cup.


    I suspect it's not as simple as just electing not to take part, anyway. I'd be surprised if there are not wider implications.


    You're are right Steve - and this is the problem. My opinion in all this, which isn't shared by all I have to say - is that the money should be taken to progress the final stages of the build, pay off the debts and keep prices low at the ground. so we go on TV as normal and pack the place out and put on united front and tell them exactly that. This is an opportunity for a voice to have a platform. At the moment, removal from the competition is a bold move, but it will never have momentum. On the face of it, it's a lost battle - however I think there are better things to come out of all this: lobby for lower ticket prices for everyone and scrap the minimum price. Lobby for more money from the TV companies for everyone, if TV want it - they'll have to pay for it - increased negotiation powers to clubs, and not sold to the highest bidder by the FA on the clubs behalf. In turn, that cash has to be put back into the facilities of the clubs, I don't know if it could be done, but it would be great if the cash was not permitted to be used on player wages or bonuses to shareholders - this helps clubs to run a budget on day-to-day income and not budgeting in the hope of a windfall. We all know what happens then. It's pie in the sky and probably got gaping holes in it, but it's something that can be brought out of this pickle (as I see it) - and if you've seen the things that I have, it's all getting a bit daft - but it's democracy and everyone gets a say in the matter, just sometimes it's not so good when it bites you on the ass.

  6. Watching mini-United (or their effete racist cousins in London) is as much like non league as Kate Moss at Glastonbury is like a weekend in a leaking tent in Bala in February. Players earning a full time salary, purpose built modern stadium, national media interest, high win ratio all the time, thousands more fans than anyone else. Bet the don't even have a dog running beside the pitch.



    Come on, I've probably been to the same NW non-league grounds that you have - from Cammels to Kendal to Alsager. it sure as hell felt like non-league football.


    Full timers I've seen at this level and those I know of are are Fylde and Stockport - one because the money is sloshing around, the other because of their status and infrastructure. Ilkeston was last season and in the Northern Premier.


    High win ratio? All time definitely, every season? No. But I suppose having Rory Patterson up front against Castleton Gabs does seem like an unfair advantage.


    If it isn't purpose built, then it's not a football ground. There are quite a few clubs looking to or already have new facilities that will help them make some money. Curzon Ashton are one of the best run clubs at the level - in my opinion, great facilities, I have a lot of time for them, and I hope they do well - as I'm sure they will. Stamford have also made a great ground for themselves, and others to enjoy.


    I just got to shrug my shoulders I suppose, and move on.




  7. Lightweights -they should have refused to sell tickets to their own fans and made BT show an empty ground save for the away end. That would have made for some awkward coverage.

    So that gate money is secured, one option is that all season ticket holders and members buy up the tickets and do exactly that. It's more difficult than it sounds, planning it is proving difficult.

  8. Do you have any affection/involvement at all with Latics these days Rummy?


    Yes. No.


    I always want Latics to win and to be successful, I can't stand supposed fans that post on here that they would rather they lose - it makes no sense. Anyway, I fell out of love completely with football ages ago and went to watch RL for a bit - Saints and Rochdale Hornets. It was pure co-incidence that Hornets became a fan owned co-operative in 2009 as a mate of mine took me to FC United around the same time. It was different, it reminded me of watching football as a kid. in the seventies.


    It's not quite like that though is it.



    It would be easier if it was. I've seen the emails between FC and the FA, and heard the discussions of the membership. It's interesting when you start to read the FA's own rules on the competition.


    Rules 2 c and d:




    © In relation to each match in the Competition, The Association shall be exclusively entitled, either by itself or to authorise others, to use sell or otherwise exploit all commercial and other marketing rights associated with the Competition including, without limitation, fixture list copyright, sponsorship, supplier rights, licences, perimeter board branding or other commercial arrangements (the “Marketing Rights”) and Clubs shall comply at all times with The FA Cup Commercial Regulations (“the Commercial Regulations”).


    (d) Clubs shall comply with the terms of all contracts entered into by The Association from time to time in relation to Access Rights, the Television Rights, the Radio Rights, the Footage Rights and the Marketing Rights (collectively the “Commercial Contracts”) in relation to the Competition.


    ...and yes, the membership voted to enter the competition eight years ago - however, no-one in their right mind would've expected it to happen twice in quick succession - and I have to admit that the resolutions that are in place to manage these types of situation are way short in dealing with it effectively. The game has probably been sold so much for so long that it's now taken as normal service.

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