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Posts posted by Matt

  1. But if you think that was on top, wait to I tell you about an away day at Tesco’s last November and me having a mare shaving the other week.


    We went to Tesco the other week. You never been in a :censored:ing ruck until you've managed to get a trolley back to the 51 plate family hatchback with a stuck wheel.

  2. nobody has yet been able to explain why it's bigoted to want to leave the EU and to want to have an Australian/Canadian style points system for immigration (often wonder why the High Commissions of those two countries arent besieged with anti racist demonstrators every day). Oh other than "well I read in the paper the other week that some UKIP parish councillor said something really racist on Facebook".

    Anyway, I have digressed from the issue of the day and for that I humbly apologise but I'm tired of the "ooooh, you're a racist you are" nonsense. Read their last manifesto - disagree with it, tear it up and jump up and down on it whilst declaring you've never read so much steaming faeces in your life but try and find the racist propositions....there arent any


    to quote a certain shadow cabinet minister said "I'd rather swim through vomit"


    In other news, the grass doesn't cut itself in Essex. How high was it? How high does it need to be before it's deemed mow-worthy? I suppose it can't get too high as it could aide refugees who might like to sneak about undetected. Perhaps there's a job there for a refugee or migrant worker if nobody else can be arsed.

  3. The press will be relentless and the thing is the stories just will not stop


    Be fair, if he had sang the anthem the press would have rounded on him - what gets me is that we're allowing the press to control our elected members of parliament. I'm all for exposing expense cheats and ministerial ne'er-do-wells, however - as beag mentions - two bit click bait press articles (and believe it or not, the Guardian has been at the forefront of this) do nobody any favours. It just points to media controlled and styled MP's.


    The press is the real enemy.

  4. I've heard from 4 or 5 different sources that he's been on the payroll since January so I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.


    I hope that's true. *FROM HIDDEN POST*


    You should hope it's not, apart from everything else, if OAFC have been paying wages to a man who has no benefit to the club up to this point and probably won't after, then whoever brokered that deal needs to be removed from club business.


    Can I remind everyone PLEASE consider your comments in this thread carefully before clicking POST - Ched Evans is a convicted rapist, the girl is a victim - that's the way it is.

  5. Sounds reasonable when a friend of Sinn Fein, Hezbollah and Hamas is going to be present. Photoshop might be pretty damn good these days, but those photos cannot be untook.


    I don't know how politicians get factions around the negotiating table without talking to them, I'm sure Maggie was doing the right thing with Suharto, Pinochet, Saddam Hussein and the Khmer Rouge...

  6. Don't have time for this now. Some of the Dulwich lads are going over to Calais next week to hand over what they collect at today's match to refugees there. I must away to the farmers market to buy free range non-perishables.


    I read about this the other day, great work. We're trying to get involved using the Shopping Buddy scheme and the Manchester City of Sanctuary.

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