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Posts posted by Matt

  1. The best team I saw play in the NPLPD last year was either Ilston or Curzon by a mile, so it was fitting that they both made it to the final.


    Ilkeston have lost a great deal though, Chettle, Caskey, Wilson - I'm almost sure that their youthful team was made up of players from higher up the leagues on mutually agreed full-contracts.


    I think it's going to be tough for them next year; Darlo1868 and the CO92 will be formidable opponents - consider Workington and the other Robins, Ashton United and it's a really tough prospect - shame, it was a decent set up with decent fans.

  2. Wonder how much further they can demonise most football fans.


    This is the thing.


    Of those 16 [Cambridge] arrests, only three were for offences relating to alcohol. By the Home Office's own stats, football arrests are at their lowest point ever, and we think that's a definitely a story worth reporting.



    ...three offences! So they trial it at Cambridge where, no doubt, it'll be received with little resistance. From that it'll be pointed at as a success and rolled out across the country.


    Interesting point to note it that, especially in non-league, there is a growing amount of stewarding being contracted out to security firms - door men and the like...

  3. This is one of the reasons we are demonstrating on May 2nd at Bloomfield Road and are inviting supporters of other clubs to join us.

    Karl Oyston stated to "Judge him in May" after our disastrous start to the season, 8 players, cancelled pre season and couldn't fit the subs bench for our first game of the season at Forest.

    Another supporter has just been sued and has had to pay the Oystons £20,000 for comments made on his Facebook page, to his 34, yes 34 Friends, a funding page has been started and in 24 hours has reached over £8,000 a lot of it from supporters of other clubs.

    If you want to find out more search for Frank Knight, also if you're on Twitter or Facebook check out the Tangerine Knights pages for news of our actions against the Oystons.

    No doubt we'll be seeing you next season

    All the Best




    All the best mate, good luck with the demonstration. How about a switch to The Mechanics, looks ripe for rebellion...


    Link for everybody else > http://www.afcblackpool.co.uk/

  4. That Guardian story is stunning, and very, very upsetting - certainly warrants an investigation.


    Other survivors have accepted the findings of the initial inquiry, I wonder if the book is a device for him to deal with losing three generations of his family. I don't know what I'd do if I lost all my family in a horrific incident like the Bradford fire, probably look for answers. I hope he finds whatever it is that will somehow dull the everlasting pain that he wakes up with every single day of his life.

  5. After Jim Dobbin passed away, our local by-election was a close run affair. Too close.




    I'll have to vote Labour as a vote against UKIP, but looking at the calculators - could there be a possibility of a Labour coallition government with the SNP? I was fully behind the YES campaign, however the Scots had their chance of government and democratically decided against it - SNP ministers in Downing Street would be worse for Britain in my opinion.

  6. Dulwich and FCUM divided already.


    :censored:ing splitters.


    When I start calling sweaty burgers from a van 'sliders', and my mates are eating :censored:ing kimchi whilst watching a crucial tie against Solihull Moors, I know fan owned co-ops have gone too far.

  7. I'd speculate :censored: all - most of it will undoubtedly go to PL clubs in the form of parachute payments.


    I agree; probably pennies distributed in one or two 'academies' so they can point to that as investment later on - and that's only if they can get the money from the overseas rights. I've noticed that Sky package prices will be going up n'all.


    Scraps from the top table.



  8. I don't think cutting ticket prices by 50% would double the numbers at matches. What might increase income would be to encourage more season tickets by allowing us to pay over 10 months by direct debit starting in June with no interest charges. £33 a month would look rather good against the £22 admission. A better match day experience is not just about the new stand but rather entertaining winning football. Even if we one day get promoted Oldham will remain one of the poorer clubs with below average support just as we were in the Premier League.


    This campaign is to help away fans manage the huge outlay for away fixtures, it probably won't increase attendances that much, or threaten other leagues attendances for that matter - it's just to keep the whole thing reasonable.

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