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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Been watching Skelmersdale United over this end for the last 3 as and when I can't get to BP....Tommy Lawson the manager has been there forever and they and punching way above their weight against the likes of FC United regularly.......


    I actually mentioned Che Adams to LJ at one of the meet the managers"..........he's had a pretty good night tonight!


    All in all non league football in the EVO Stik is pretty good with some good quality young kids around


    Wasn't such a smart move getting Shaun Tuck back last season, I think he's at Barnton now in the NWCLD1.

  2. Time - a tool of the capitalist rulers to oppress and shackle the proletariat


    Time - something I can not get back after wasting it on watching that - sorry rummy


    Posted in the wrong forum initially - soz, however I understand not everyone gets Paul Hartnoll's fascination with time and loopz and that.

  3. Here are the facts:


    This is a known bad redirect ad and the Google Malevertising (!) team are on the job - it's taking longer than anticipated.

    There is no harm being done, it's just inconvenient and disruptive to the OWTB experience.

    OWTB isn't the only site, any site with GA installed may experience these redirects.

    In the meantime, I'm surpressing the top level domains for each known bad redirect. It may or may not work - please bear with us while this is sorted.

  4. After looking further discrimination in the work place can is only against the law if you are discriminated against for any of the protected characteristics. Convictions isn't (as yet) a protected characteristic.


    Doesn't mean discrimination of any sort for any reason is morally acceptable though


    Nb not many people come on here and shoot down there own arguement



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