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Posts posted by Matt

  1. *** MESSAGE TO ALL ***


    This is going to be difficult, but we need to debate the SIGNING of Evans along with the facts of the conviction. We are not questioning the integrity of anybody else involved. Please refrain from any part-time detective work, or fag packet case analysis.


    Posts will be removed without warning, persistence will be met with account suspension. If you have a personal view of the case and appeal, do it on your personal Facebook page.

  2. I can put up with getting called a lesbian feminazi mong (thanks Twitter), but being accused of not being a proper supporter because I feel that voting with my feet is the only option left is painful.


    I was reading @chiller replies yesterday, and although we've locked horns over foodbanks and other stuff - I was thoroughly disgusted at the level of abuse and dehumanisation from (seemingly) young OAFC fans she received for her comments on the subject - comments she is perfectly entitled to have.

  3. In light of the extra traffic on here over the past few days, have a Commodore on me gents.

    Keep up the good work


    Thanks, to be fair 99% of posts and posters alike have been fine - I think we've nurtured a decent crowd over the years, by-and-large. The sheer traffic on the other hand has been overwhelming, so much so - Ackey has had to do some work.


    Thanks again,



    Why is it?



    It's there for 'structured engagement' between club and supporter - I'm led to believe that a Trust is a democratic, organisation of supporters - who support the club in any means possible, who are committed to strengthening the voice for supporters in the decision making process at a club, and strengthening the links between the club and the community it serves. it's your club - you may not own any part of it - but it is still your club that, in many instances, will be passed from generation to generation long after the current incumbent has moved on for better or worse. I'd like to think that the fans could play a part in that future, at their supported club.

  5. Hi Admins


    Im trying to donate but am struggling to send to owtb.co.uk@gmail.com, via paypal even when following the link.


    can i send directly to a bank account?








    Thanks for making the offer. Unfortunately we do not have a bank account for donations. You must have a PayPal account to make the donation - if you're still struggling, please visit the PayPal website to help you.




  6. Ilkeston reformed didn't they FC will proberly choke although there youth team where poor against Latics earlier this season. skem had a few good seasons now would not under estimate Blyth with there games in hand.

    Although Blyth have been a credit to the division, I saw them earlier in the season and they were bloody awful.


    Skem are seven or eight games infront of most, I don't think they've got enough of a points lead.


    FCUM academy beat OAFC U-16 2-1 the other day.

  7. ...because they've :censored:ed it up, and Rammy are the victims. A superb start to the season for The Rams in the NPLPD - a great team and management, now Ant Johnson and Glenn Moses have been lured to Salford to save the CO92 - their fans have said that they've stalled and need to spend to get out of the 1st Div. You can stick your :censored:ing cash up your arse.


    (Note for the local non-leaguers - Dale Johnson arguably the best player for Salford, decided to leave earlier in the season for Ashton United - played yesterday at number 9, great player)




    Not sure why Morley has decided to go.

  8. Sam Simon (Simpsons - CAPTAIN)
    Joost van der Westhuizen (SA Rugby)
    James Randi (Bull:censored: hunter and magician)
    B B King (Blues Musician)
    Valerie Harper (Roda)
    Bhumibol Adulyadej (King of Thailand)
    Caroline Aherne (Pseudo Northerner)
    Antony Booth (Actor, Till Death Do Us Part)
    Dr Kate Granger (Doctor, blogger and author)
    Peter Sutcliffe (Door to door hammer salesman)


    Spartacus: 15th October


    *starts 2016 Evernote Deathwatch list*

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