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Posts posted by Matt

  1. So the PPCH is only in play if he doesn't and there's no point not putting a date down on the proviso he lasts the year?


    Huh? Double negatives always confuse me.


    Rules state:


    Each player selects a date in 2014, nearest predicted date to the Dukes potential demise wins 25 bonus points.



    He has to die to trigger the bonus game, so if he doesn't die......?

  2. Can I just add, one of the things that takes ages is collating the info from this boards' format - it's a ball-ache. Please could we follow this format to make life easier for me:


    FORENAME SURNAME (numbers, dates, ages or info in each line entry)


    That's it. If you want to add extra info, please put it in BRACKETS. Please do not use SIR or MR or MISS or any other prefixes like a number or an asterisk for example. Clearly if you're entering from your phone this might be a bit of a nightmare, but if you can do the best you can it would be most appreciated.


    So for instance;


    GEORGE BUSH (senior, ex-pres - Captain)

    RICHARD FLIEHR (Ric Flair, wooooo 65)

    PATRICIA ROUTLEDGE (hyacinth bucket)

    DAVID CAMERON (PM, :censored:)


    etc would be acceptable. Spelling is not essential, but it helps. If you are unsure ask.



  3. bFOvL7N.jpg

    Sponsored by Co-Op Funeral Directors. We put the fun in funerals.


    We're back for a third season!



    1. Each player must pick ten celebrities who they think are due a visit from the Grim Reaper. You can shuffle your pack as much as you want up to the start of the game then these picks are final. Once they are submitted after that time, that's it - no points are accrued before the start. Each member can choose a CAPTAIN, captaincy doubles POINTS! Only one captain per team, per year.

    2. Scoring is 100 - AGE = POINTS. Clearly those over 100 score minus.

    3. BONUS POINTS GAME! Introducing the Spartacus Sweepstakes. Each player selects a date in 2015, nearest predicted date to Kirk Douglas' exit wins 25 bonus points! The bonus is triggered when Kirk snuffs it in this separate game - you do not have to select him in your team - however if you do, you collect the team points as well.

    4. No kids/minors. It's sick, but not that sick.

    5. Game time runs from 00:00 Jan 1st 2015 to 23.59 Dec 31st 2015. GMT.

    666. All death dates are taken from Wikipedia

    7. Each member has one team list post on this thread so we can all see the edit time stamps.

    Off you pop. So to speak.

    Anyone joining after 00:00 can play, but their scores will not be entered or recognised in BBL III. It's not fair on those who have locked in teams.

    This thread will be locked at 00:00 Jan 1st 2015

  4. Thanks longtimeblue for the heads up, and for contacting us.


    As a general note - again, we don't seem to be cancelling donations, and I can only assume that it's a Paypal issue. If you are experiening any problems. PM me with your real name, or the account that you are using, and I can check our end to make sure everything is as it is.

    Also, if you'd like to get that late Christmas present there are some great T-shirt designs in our shop - we're hoping to introduce some new designs in the New Year - so keep checking back.


    May I take this opportunity to again thank everyone for their continued support, it is very much appreciated.



  5. A battle between the neonazis in the Frente Atlético and the radical left-wingers of the Riazor Blues... Jimmy was beaten with metal bars. thrown into a freezing river and left for dead.




    When the Frente in the south stand began one chant early on, they were whistled by the fans around the stadium, sick of being associated with them. On this of all days. Usually so loud, this time the Frente mostly stood in silence and there were no banners or flags.




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