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Posts posted by Matt

  1. The Chron has broken its silence, but includes for balance the comment:

    Latics fans were made to buy their match tickets in advance of the game but Rochdale fans were able to pay on the day, which led to dozens of Latics fans sitting in the Rochdale stands.



    Hardly balance. Rochdale fans were able to pay on the day, so were Oldham fans - but they were told specifically not to; Latics fans were going in no matter what whether it was all ticket or partial pay on the day. Bottom line is they shouldn't have been there, they went in and got giddy, so there you go...


    Like I said before, it was hardly a 1980's terrace riot.


    Wasn't Stockport a similar situation? I can't recall.

  2. On a normal web browser, the tool bar at the top of the website as a menu where your username is; click that to make it drop down and select MY SETTINGS. This will open up another screen and on the left hand side there will be a frame of options. Select EMAIL & PASSWORD and make the necessary changes there. Please make sure your email address is current and active - if you do not receive the email check your spam folder just in case.

  3. I have a bad feeling about this, a bit too spaceshipy for me. Oh noes, no one liked the prequels so lets stick the Falcon in there and they will lap it up.


    I hope I am wrong and I am not happy that this has been released when the film is not out for over a whole goddamn year! And if these new films don't answer why R2D2 suddenly flew in the second prequel but then never used that function again I will be cross. All it would have taken is:


    "fgjkt beep sdaisd"


    "What's that R2? Your flying circuits have malfunctioned?"


    That's all it would have taken, less than three seconds of dialogue and it would never have needed mentioning again. I know there were worse things about the prequels but this was symptomatic of what George got so wrong with them. R2 flying, :censored:s sake.


    MRW is saw the trailer...



  4. The OWTB poll show 93% dont want him, that tells its own story


    It says it's sourced from the opinion of 90 fans out of 3500 (for arguments sake) fans - off the top of my head that's 3% of the total paying fanbase? I think that sample is too small, plus I think it may be biased as it was created quite soon after his attempted relocation to Sheffield United, and emotions ran spectacularly high. If re-submitted now or again soon in the future, it might have a different result.


    Although an interesting poll, I don't think it can serve as anything meaningful I'm sorry to say.

  5. If found guilty ban them from any ground for life, then maybe the message will get through to others of a similar mind.


    Guilty of what? And I'd like to point out that it appears that he's gone over a wall in the Wilbutts, not run on the pitch from another stand and put the ref in a half nelson. I'm sure you'll eventually agree there is behaviour that deserves electronic monitors and bans, this doesn't look like to be one of them.

  6. My instinctive reaction and prayer is this is all bollocks.


    Mods - if you go on S24SU all their Ched talk is members only. As much as I disagree with some supportive comments on here it may be worth doing the same to stop some comments being included in tabloid reports...


    It wouldn't be the first time I know, but there's nothing stopping them from joining I suppose. I call for an official club press release that reflects their views that gives the media a definitive official line.


    Generally everybody is fairly decent on here, I would like to think that regulars would not post misinformation or rumour that could hurt OAFC in the bigger picture. However any posts we see that conflicts with that, will be reviewed and the appropriate action may be taken. One-time posters or lurkers who suddenly start to comment will be closely monitored also.

  7. UKIP portray themselves as a friend of the working man despite the fact that their employment policies are designed to remove all of the hard fought for employment rights that the working man and woman have benefit from today.


    I agree, their European manifesto pretty much carved up the time directive, maternity pay, tribunals. I can't find 2014 version that isn't a glossy flyer which doubles as a snazzy window poster.Then there's the NHS, in one part of their local manifesto they decide they want to reduce bureaucracy and Government, yet they want to introduce a whole new level of publicly elected governors and red tape for the NHS.

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