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Posts posted by Matt

  1. WTF am I reading here?


    I can help you with my bits - After dozy Labour MP Thornberry snapped a pic of two 'weathered' St.Georges flags limply hanging (y'know, the sort that's trapped in a window) outside a house in Rochester, she snobbily tweeted her slant on it. She then got sacked for the tweet and the guy who owned the house made his personal grudges known (dubbed The Danifesto - he was called Dan, well done The Sun *slow handclap*) to a red top, and now he's an over-inflated internet meme who's next stop will be a mental breakdown. Thing was, she wasn't far off the mark - however it's hardly her place to judge the public, so she got the boot and rightly so.


    If you take a White Van Man, and swap his van for Black one - what happens then?


    Would the world implode?


    Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria...


    It wouldn't have been the first time that illegals were threatened with deportation, I suppose it depends on who says it and in which manner. Same thing though.


    I suppose Farage does present himself as a very eloquent man.


    Illegal immigrants do get deported though, there's was a misrepresentation of some Border Agency figures in comic book red tops which claimed only a small percentage get the boot, it was equating phone calls to the agency compared to cases being enforced, which was inaccurate - the Home Office released these figures though; 14,000 enforced removals in 2013 and 30,000 voluntary removals for the same period.


    When I first saw Dan's manifesto I thought it was an article pulled straight out of Private Eye, I didn't know it was a real collection of grudges by a real man.

  3. Where was the outrage when that :censored: from the labour party, tweeted the white van man with the george cross and west ham banner? Not a word from the people outraged at Whelan's stereotyping. What a :censored:ing surprise.


    Saddened, not outraged. White Van Dan and his Danifesto is the guy now posing with a St.Georges Cross defaced with the words 'The Sun' emblazoned on it, whilst utteting pearls of wisdom like 'Send 'em back' and 'I don't care if it offends the ethnics'.

    I think we've done very well to avoid this sideshow on here, to be fair Scratch.

  4. That's ironic coming from you, Ackey has gone quiet on the subject matter and then you chirp in with "giving thick :censored: enough rope to hang themselves" casts a reasonable shadow of doubt over your name in my eyes and let's not forget you dropping my name in our PMs like your :censored:ing clueso, I allowed you to see that information because I chose the email address i re-registered with.


    Don't get arsey with me accusing you when you act the way you do.


    Of course, and I have only ever spoke your name to you. So don't get :censored:ing shirty with me either. If you're that :censored:ing paranoid, turn it in and :censored: off because I haven't done anything.

  5. There's all kinds of opinions on my Facebook, so long as none of them offend friends of friends I tend to live and let live.


    Yeah, same - however I do make a point of making sure alternate medicine is challenged; although I suppose I could easily employ my 'Give the thick :censored: enough rope to hang themselves' policy to that topic as well.

  6. And there may the odd black man with a tiny cock.


    A couple of millennia of Jews being renowned for their acumen with money & business will take a while longer to escape the conscience I reckon.


    There are far more negative, far less accurate stereotypes for people to get their knickers in a twist over in their quest for PC brownie points.


    But any will do it seems......


    Good grief.


    But that is not that and never has been...

    For a start a teacher, doctor, nurse etc couldn't expect to go back to what they are trained to do after raping someone...


    Would you want someone doing your company books who had a conviction for fraud ?


    Would you want someone coming reading your meter who had a conviction for assault ?


    The whole story is being spun into this idea that if he was a "normal" person he would just walk back into a job when the reality is totally different.


    The idea a convicted rapist can just walk back into such a high profile public position as a football is mind boggling laughable. He won't be able to do any community work and will damage the image of the club. The biggest thing a club has to trade off is their image. Sponsorship is vital to any club and a bad image is toxic. I think Sheff United are barmy!!!


    It so simple to say he has done his time... but the reality is way more complex...


    No it's not. First things first, I don't think anyone can dispute the severity of the crime - and I'm not ranking crimes and sentences.


    I agree with you that he shouldn't have gone back to Bramhall Lane; Sheffield United have jumped in too early in my opinion however, there is no reason why he cannot return to football after a period of rehabilitation and community work. He clearly needs a decent agent - someone with cleaner image (if there is such a thing) - he has to win back the public, and win big. At the very least take maybe take a role in football somewhere down the trough, away from the 24hr media surveillance of him. The guy is a :censored:, but there are ways for him to pay back and get back - if he uses his loaf. I can't understand the complexity of the situation.


    I believe if you're convicted of fraud, you are probably never going to work legitimately in the financial sector again, let alone be an accountant - Evans is a footballer, he's in a profession which does not have a governing body that requires registers of safe and proper practices, so I'm sure you know that's the reason why vocations which require certification and stringent affiliation are managed very differently to football. Also, the non-sequitur of your meter-reader, of that was the case there would be a whole raft of people unable to get in work - the repercussions of which would probably not end with a massive tax burden for us all.



  8. BUT if he was a teacher, Police Officer or Doctor Not a single one of those professions would give him the time of day!!

    He's not a teacher, copper or doctor. So it doesn't matter. For balance, if he was maybe a plasterer, gardener, banker or a whole host of other vocations he may well be able to carry on as normal.

  9. His website?


    Funded by his extremely forgiving girlfriend's wealthy father.


    Ran by his legal team and his family members and friends.


    Yeah, that's exactly the place i'd be visiting for a balanced and well rounded take on the events that happened and continue to unfurl.



    Beat me to it. Have you seen the photo gallery bit? Talk about laying it on...

  10. That is what the quote feature is for. I posted offering to sell a spare ticket I have - which is surely what this particular thread is for?? - and Rummy responds with that post.


    Rummy - Laughing and saying :censored:ing hell won't give you the self importance you so obviously crave pal.

    Yes. That's exactly how the quote system works and if I didn't quote you, why did you assume I was talking to you? I even got abuse for explaining it to you!


    I'm not as self important as those who think the world revolves around them.


    I hope your day got better. Mine didn't.

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