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Posts posted by Matt

  1. For me UKIP are the best of a bad bunch, whilst I agree with their policies, I don't want Farage to be prime minster he causes to many issues for himself and his party by saying idiotic things "bongo bongo land" however I will be voting UKIP in the hope that if enough of us do that it will intimidate one of the big 3 into changing their stance of the EU.

    Well that's you fooled then. They are all the :censored:ing same. Keeping the working class where they are, paying more tax, at each others throats, creating false enemies, scaremongering, it's a class war more than ever. Call me an old fashioned 1970's militant, but I know when I'm being :censored:ing taken for a ride.

  2. there is absolutely nothing remotely funny about this racist attack that has just been dealt with (or not dealt with) as just another run of the mill incident.. But we don't talk about that kind of thing on here do we


    If you don't like it, return to the comfort of your Facebook group where you can all circle jerk to your little hearts content.

  3. Both, I posted about Latics in the Latics section, I post about general football in the general football section and I post about politics and current affairs in the off topics, it's funny how no one wants to talk about the poor lad minding his own business and getting cut up by Asians in 62s but there all falling all over each other to talk about a bloke in America who got tasered off the police for refusing to do as he was told or about there is a small possibility that a poppy seller attack had nothing to do with the fact he was selling poppies MINUTES before his act or if you expresses EU-scepticism them your an out and out neo nazi EDL doc martin wearing fascist??


    Nobody is disputing the horrible crimes you've been telling us about, however it's all confirmation bias (look that up because I mentioned this before and you conveniently ignored it). There is a race theme to the posts. You have not posted anything about any other crimes conducted by white English, unfortunately there are loads of them that are equally as bad - not a peep.

  4. I think that was more to do being in the right forum, rather than really not counting as such if I remember correctly. So your post was a hang over from a complete different subject? Better just to move on and comment on the topic at hand that way no misunderstanding occurs. Besides it's just so easy to lash out on here and then nothing ever gets resolved. The Barry issue on here is poor in my view, everyone has a vehicle to go air their concerns at meetings and I'll wager both parties will come out feeling that their views are at least not so far apart.


    In this instance, the Athletico's debate is on this platform only. As far as these petty downboats are concerned, this is a message board where you air points of view, in most debates there are differing views. Sometimes via dialog and reading other views we shift our position. A petty downboat does nothing really, other than cheap lazy points scoring. As for Rummy acting childish it's relevant most any subject I will post on, cos........ well, he acts childish.


    Rubbish. Disliked your content on one of your posts, disliked the content on another. You'll notice I've not down voted all of your posts, fair to say I've not up-voted either. Perhaps the childish one is he who takes such trivial matters to heart.

  5. To clear up some apparent confusion - I was actually praising them.

    Aye - the backtrack but the posts are so ambiguous and enigmatic, and often contain furtive mockery that it may virtually impossible to follow for some. One of the reasons the old thread was closed was because it became a situation where people (some of whom should know better) were competing for some sort of strange internet supremacy. Post after post.

  6. Do the tight thing and vote for ukip


    I didn't see that coming. I'd rather draw a big pair of hairy bollocks on my ballot paper than vote for those :censored:, and in doing so, I'd probably make more of a political statement.


    Is that where you EDL boys have gone to now? Be careful with those 'not trying to look like but nearly, so it'll look top on Britains First Facebook group' Nazi salutes in front of England flags, and I don't think drunken protests in pub car parks is quite the image Farage is looking for - although I do think you'd look very fetching in a purple and yellow outfit. Did I say fetching? I meant stupid.

  7. I agree and I wouldn't vote for them on the basis of some of their policies but I still think that by giving them more of a voice would be a positive step.


    Labour has all but given up on the left, and the Greens are the radical left - it's a tough choice. The Greens don't seem to cut it on fundamentals like foreign policy, realistic energy strategy, and budget deficit, amongst a whole lot of others.

  8. Not cherry picking anything, I've seen these stories shared on social media and put them on here, it's that what the off topics are for?


    Selecting one article from 2012 to support an certain point of view is indeed cherry picking. Which group on Facebook did you harvest this morsel from?



    Opposed to being directed to the BBC website?, How :censored:ing biased are they?


    Quite, I listened to a BBC reporter this morning whilst on the commute - an Afghan man was in Calais, stood up in what he owned, his family apparently slaughtered - lost pretty much everything. He explained that he wanted to come to UK to find an honest days work for an honest days pay, to start over and begin a new life, secure in the knowledge that there is infrastructure to support him, due process to protect him, and the basic human right to be in control of his destiny. This berk of a :censored:ing reporter reeled off a list of tweets that seemed to echo the sentiment of the hard-line right, 'Send them back', 'We don't want them' and so-on, delivered to the man as 'the voice of the nation'. The reporter failed to read any tweets or messages for balance; nor did the reporter speak for me as a citizen of this country. Not as bad as Kay 'Ebola' Burley, but appalling nonetheless.

  9. No reasonable comments to add to the discussion? No angles to twist? Can't play the whataboutery card?


    Let's post silly pictures and keep our eyes peeled for spelling and grammatical errors


    I've not seen one from you yet - and what's the point anyway? What's your point? Tell me what your point is in all of this. Cherry picking 2012 newspaper articles, and avoiding specific questions - probably because you either don't understand what the comments mean, or you decide to ignore them. Either or, it's all the same to me.

  10. At full time excitement and confusion went around the ground. As the players went to walk off the pitch referee Mark Powell called the players back on and after discussions with both sets of management he informed them that extra time had to be played. This started a debate within the crowd as to whether not extra time should be played at this stage of the FA Trophy....as the first period of extra time came to a close an official went onto the pitch to inform referee Mark Powell that extra time should have not been played, so he called the game to an end and both sides will meet again for a replay next Tuesday.



  11. With this instance alone, bad or biased reporting could make the whole situation worse.


    The Express reports that 'Army cadet, 15, suffers burns in aerosol attack while selling poppies'...and then goes on to not mention that at all. Everybody else pretty much reports that he had been selling poppies, and was attacked at the bus stop waiting for a bus sometime later. Peeling away the rubbish, basically the boy who was minding his own business was viciously attacked by a man with a lit aerosol can. A despicable crime, and I hope he gets nabbed.


    Let's bury our heads in the sand and pretend it's not happening until someone presents graft and pie charts!

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-201378/Hammer-attack-poppy-seller-79.html - 79 year old volunteer attacked with a hammer in Aylsebury

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2221106/Poppy-sellers-chaperones-string-attacks-collectors-year.html - Young cadets spat at - Bradford

    http://m.derbyshiretimes.co.uk/news/grassroots/royal-british-legion-cadet-threatened-to-be-shot-by-taliban-for-selling-remembrance-sunday-poppies-in-derbyshire-1-6920417 - Young cadets threatened to be "shot by the Taliban" - Derbyshire

    Shall I continue.....


    I'm afraid it isn't those who you're pointed this post at who has their head in the sand. The rest of the thread (quoted here) is just confirmation bias logical fallacy - and this is the thing, you could similarly look for attacks on kids, women and men whilst they were doing something else too, there are thousands unfortunately - but being attacked with a fishing rod in Dunstable or a snooker cue in Whitby for doing something that doesn't fit the agenda isn't good for your bias.

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